We are more than conquerors "IN HIM" not IN US!
Show me where I said, “IN US.” Show me where in the scriptures it says, “not IN US.” You have manufactured beliefs, so no doubt you have debates with straw men.
This is how you are "IN HIM" judicially by justification but this is not how you are personally and practically simply becuase you are not yet glorified like Christ in your own person.
Show me these exact words in the Bible. You cannot. You speak gobbledygook (to put it too kindly).
Read the text again! You are misreading it! He plainly tells you that he has not yet attained, he has not yet attained being perfect:
Paul says he has not obtained it yet, but he does NOT go on and on ANYWHERE as you DO how you go on and on to me about what a sinner I am, and what a sinner all Christians are. Show me where in the Bible where Paul speaks as you do. You do not speak as a Christian.
You simply reject what Paul says and rewrite it to suite your heresy! He clearly and expressly denies he has already attained perfection!
Again, show me where Paul speaks to Christians and tells them what you tell me. Show me where Paul tells Christians that they will give into their flesh daily and all day. Show me, or repent. Show me where Paul says exactly what you say. For I only speak of the word of God.
Of course, we should never be satisfied with our imperfection, but that does not mean we deny it either and that is exactly what you are doing.
You accuse, that is your work. You also teach false doctrine, that is also your work.
Notice he admits that he needed to forget the past which is history of failures to attain perfection. He simply confessed his sins and got back up and pressed forward and that is what every healthy child of God should do.
Now you are trying to act as if you have been this way all along! What a farce.
But you are denying your imperfect condition. You won't admit you are a sinful person but you are trying to make everyone believe you are a sinless person. There is no middle ground between sinless and sinful. You are one or the other and Paul denied he was sinless and admitted he needed to forget his past failures.
More of your straw man debates. Show me one place where I said any of this. You are an accuser. You have been exposed.
Just because a person does not willfully/intentionally sin does not me they do not sin, as willful sin is but ONE way to violate God's law but not the only way to violate God's law. Everything you do is sin if it is not done with the intent to glorify God (1 Cor. 10:31). Coming short of the glory of God is sin (Rom. 3:23). Acting contrary to your own convictions regardless if your convictions are right or wrong in God's eyes is sin (Rom. 14 "whatsoever is not of faith is sin"). Sin is not merely an external act ommitted or committed but it is any state of mind that is contrary to the spirit of God's Word. Sin is not merely attitude and actions ommitted or committed but it is a CONDITION of being where indwelling sin resides evidenced by its fruits. Only a sincerely ignorant man would claim to be living above sin or an arrogant self-righteous hypocrit.
You have no control of the way you speak do you.
We are more than conquerors "IN HIM" not IN US!
Show me where I said, “IN US.” Show me where in the scriptures it says, “not IN US.” You have manufactured beliefs, so no doubt you have debates with straw men.
This is how you are "IN HIM" judicially by justification but this is not how you are personally and practically simply becuase you are not yet glorified like Christ in your own person.
Show me these exact words in the Bible. You cannot. You speak gobbledygook (to put it too kindly).
Read the text again! You are misreading it! He plainly tells you that he has not yet attained, he has not yet attained being perfect:
Paul says he has not obtained it yet, but he does NOT go on and on ANYWHERE as you DO how you go on and on to me about what a sinner I am, and what a sinner all Christians are. Show me where in the Bible where Paul speaks as you do. You do not speak as a Christian.
You simply reject what Paul says and rewrite it to suite your heresy! He clearly and expressly denies he has already attained perfection!
Again, show me where Paul speaks to Christians and tells them what you tell me. Show me where Paul tells Christians that they will give into their flesh daily and all day. Show me, or repent. Show me where Paul says exactly what you say. For I only speak of the word of God.
Of course, we should never be satisfied with our imperfection, but that does not mean we deny it either and that is exactly what you are doing.
You accuse, that is your work. You also teach false doctrine, that is also your work.
Notice he admits that he needed to forget the past which is history of failures to attain perfection. He simply confessed his sins and got back up and pressed forward and that is what every healthy child of God should do.
Now you are trying to act as if you have been this way all a long! What a farce.
But you are denying your imperfect condition. You won't admit you are a sinful person but you are trying to make everyone believe you are a sinless person. There is no middle ground between sinless and sinful. You are one or the other and Paul denied he was sinless and admitted he needed to forget his past failures.
More of your straw man debates. Show me one place where I said any of this. You are an accuser. You have been exposed.
Just because a person does not willfully/intentionally sin does not me they do not sin, as willful sin is but ONE way to violate God's law but not the only way to violate God's law. Everything you do is sin if it is not done with the intent to glorify God (1 Cor. 10:31). Coming short of the glory of God is sin (Rom. 3:23). Acting contrary to your own convictions regardless if your convictions are right or wrong in God's eyes is sin (Rom. 14 "whatsoever is not of faith is sin"). Sin is not merely an external act ommitted or committed but it is any state of mind that is contrary to the spirit of God's Word. Sin is not merely attitude and actions ommitted or committed but it is a CONDITION of being where indwelling sin resides evidenced by its fruits. Only a sincerely ignorant man would claim to be living above sin or an arrogant self-righteous hypocrit.
You have no control of the way you speak do you.
Here is the bottom line in so far as real spirituality! The true spiritual man grows more conscious of his own sinfulness the closer he walks with God. The immature Christian or lost professor is the only man who perceives himself as living above sin.
Show me those exact words from the Bible. You cannot, you cannot because you speak for someone that accuses the brethren.