There are lots of other forums where no politics are allowed. No news either.
I agree...
and it surprised me when I joined this one over 2 years ago,
when I discovered that a Baptist forum would even
have a section that allows the kind of activity that this one does.
I also found out over that short time period, what I wanted to know by coming in here on the few occasions that I have...
That there are a lot of people who frequent Christian forums that care more about this world than they do about the Lord and taking His words seriously;
To me, that much is evident by some of the activity that goes on in here every day.
If you all are comfortable with ripping public officials apart in print, openly condemning them and entertaining all kinds of shameful speculation about their decisions ( and even criticizing them for their every move ), then I already know where at least many of you stand...
You enjoy it, and you don't seem to see anything wrong with it or God would be getting a hold of you for it.
There's a specific reason I don't come in here, and it has nothing to do with not being concerned about what's happening in the world.
It has
everything to do with watching many who profess Christ actively disobeying the Lord on a daily basis, and taking liberties with running public officials through the mud;
And I would rather not get caught up in that sort of thing than to start doing it again after years of avoiding it.
As for being "holier-than-thou"?
If you knew half of the sins that I've committed since coming to Christ, you wouldn't accuse me of it.
If anything, I'm probably the worst example of a Christian that I've ever met or even know of.
What I'd
really rather see is, you all
avoiding the mistakes that I've made.
That said, I think I've done my part by coming in here and making a few posts, reminding those who profess Christ that
this isn't our world...
and we should be doing our level best to be void of offense towards both God and man, as He told us to through Paul and others of His apostles.
You have the right to take what I've posted and to ridicule me for it ( and to accuse me of trying to make myself better than you ), or to take it in the spirit that it is written in and to prayerfully consider it.
This is my last reply in this thread.
May God bless you all with many good gifts,
and may you always be reminded of His grace shown towards you through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Good afternoon to you.