Though this is a discussion about Baptists - I put it in this forum - as the purpose is so that non- Baptist may be part of the discussion.
From another Thread:
Walter Said: EWF: Please! Do tell us WHICH Baptist church you finally found that shapes up to YOUR standards. I do recall threads in the 'Baptist Only' forums of your frustration that you would have to drive HUNDREDS of miles to find a proper one. Please don't blow the question off by answering that ANY protestant sect (yes, Baptists are indeed Prots) would be better than those evil Cat'licks.
Note: Bold my emphasis
So the first we need to establish is:
What is the definition of a Protestant - please answer that before making any other comment.
and now - open for discussion
From another Thread:
Walter Said: EWF: Please! Do tell us WHICH Baptist church you finally found that shapes up to YOUR standards. I do recall threads in the 'Baptist Only' forums of your frustration that you would have to drive HUNDREDS of miles to find a proper one. Please don't blow the question off by answering that ANY protestant sect (yes, Baptists are indeed Prots) would be better than those evil Cat'licks.
Note: Bold my emphasis
So the first we need to establish is:
What is the definition of a Protestant - please answer that before making any other comment.
and now - open for discussion