Slow down and reread the passage.
These are two separate instances of receiving the Word. The first half of the verse, is the point of salvation, Paul recalling their conversion. The second half? It's how the Word works in the life of the believer after salvation,"in you THAT believe, not that "believed," or "when you believed," "in you that believe." "You that believe" is referring to those already saved.
Therefore, your entire premise is all wrong.
Receiving is used as a synonym for believeing many times in the scriptures.
Jn 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
Does this verse say God gave power to men so that they might receive him, even to believe on his name?
NO. It says that as many as RECEIVED HIM to them gave he POWER to BECOME the sons of God. And then it explains that this receiving is believeing on his name.
Receiving or believeing COMES FIRST. Only after receiving or believeing does God give you the POWER to BECOME a son of God.
This verse is very direct and simple, I do not see how you could misconstrue it. It absolutely shows a person must first receive and believe on Jesus before God gives you the power to become a son of God.
It is like my avatar. Jesus knocks on your door. He has the POWER to save you. But you must RECEIVE HIM. You must open the door and invite him in. If you do open the door, he has promised to come in to you. If you do not open the door, he will not save you.
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