A high school dropout who pulled himself out of the slums earning a college degree via the United States Air Force and the GI bill.
But now somehow I am labeled a narrow-minded arrogant, ugly American in a basket of deplorables clinging to my guns and bible.
And Hank, I am almost exactly the opposite, so I am labeled (libeled) too.
I was born into an immigrant family. My granddad spoke Spanish (born in Mexico of Spanish parents). His wife, my grandmother, spoke Irish Gaelic (born in Ireland). On the other side my grandfather spoke German (born into a poor farming family in the Ruhr Valley) and my grandmother spoke French (born in Paris and descended from King Louis XIV).
I was raised in at least an upper middle class family. (Possibly upper class, income wise - dad was pretty quiet about his finances, but when he died the estate was substantial.) I am highly educated (well beyond my intelligence, my friends tell me). Was an Army officer who used his GI Bill for Seminary.
I live in a part of the country that is 91% Hispanic. But thanks to my Grandfather's "English Only" policy for his kids and grand kids I speak very little Spanish. My grandfather said, "We are Americans now, we speak only English" and refused to allow his kids or grand kids to speak Spanish.
So here I am. Living in a place where 91% are Spanish speakers and I speak English, German, and French but very little Spanish. My wife, born of German/Danish descent took a year of Spanish in high school and speaks much better Spanish than I do.
Our son-in-law was born in New Jersey of parents born in China and escaped when Communist Mao Tse-tung came to power. He speaks Chinese (Cantonese - Guangzhou) and my grandsons are rapidly becoming trilingual. So much for "English Only."
I have no problem with English being the official language. Thirty-one states have adopted English as their official language and still seem to function (including but not limited to: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming).
Interestingly, in Texas, only 2.9% of Hispanics speak no English while 29% of Hispanics don't speak Spanish!
So, get off the "English Only" kick and let people work out their own lives to their satisfaction. If you can't talk to them, talk to somebody else.