Then you should understand that the main problem is that insurance companies profit on our illnesses. We need laws to protect us from the insurance companies. That is why I support single-payer health care for all!
That is simply not true. Insurance companies are way down on the list of profit margin.
Overall, the profit margin for health insurance companies was a modest 3.4 percent over the past year, according to data provided by Morningstar. That ranks 87th out of 215 industries and slightly above the median of 2.2 percent. By this measure, the most profitable industry over the past year has been beverages, with a 25.9 percent profit margin. Right behind that were healthcare real-estate trusts (firms that are basically the landlords for hospitals and healthcare facilities) and application-software (think Windows). The worst performer was copper, with a profit margin of minus 56.6 percent.
The reason insurance rates are high and continue to rise is because of lawsuits. Some doctor's must pay as much as $200,000 per year or more for insurance, because if they make a mistake they could be sued for many millions of dollars. Insurance companies have no choice but to raise their rates to cover this risk.
And not all insurance companies are for profit. Mutual insurance companies do not operate on profit and pay dividends to their owners the customers.
I guess I get a little defensive, being a former insurance agent, but most people do not understand insurance whatsoever, and most do not know that they operate on a very small profit margin. About 96% of all monies insurance companies take in goes to pay for claims and the overhead of running the business.
Trial lawyers on the other hand often keep 40-50% of the awards given in suits. If I am injured at work due to negligence and cannot work again, I should be awarded enough to live. But why should a lawyer get half my money?
Did you know that in the original 1,200 page bill written by the Democrats there was not one word mentioned of tort reform or malpractice? Did you know that the trial lawyers have been the single largest donors to the Democratic Party for years?
It is the Democrats pulling the wool over your eyes. They know who the real villians are in healthcare, the lawyers. But no way are they going to bite the hand that feeds them.
Edit- here is the source of the quote I showed.