I don't consider it a "big deal."
If it's true and a believer cannot lose salvation by any means, then he can't lose it by believing he can lose it.
If it ain't true and a believer becomes an unbeliever, then proponents of eternal security claim he never was really a believer.
I don't see what it is that 'comes out different.' It can't be a dangerous doctrine for anyone, but neither can not believing it. And as for whether compels anyone to evangelize more or less, I would have to see evidence of that, which I don't.
You are right that a true believer cannot lose his salvation even though he may be led to believe he can.
However, those who teach and preach a salvation that fails to acheive its objective (which is salvation) are preaching "another gospel" and denying the true gospel of Jesus Christ which asserts by the character of its provisions and promises that it does not fail to acehieve its objective simply because MAN does not provide anything at all to obtain that objective.
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