2ndly..because without that wonderfull truth, we will be in constant fear that we will somehow lose our salvation, wich is of course inpossible.
QUOTE from post #91 - "All Christians who do not believe in eternal security do not live in constant fear of losing their salvation. While there are probably some Christians who may have that fear, most Christians who do not believe in any of the three doctrines of eternal security, are just as sure of retaining their salvation as those who do believe in one of the eternal security doctrines.
Having attended a SBC church for about 20 years, I think I know where this misguided information comes from about fear of losing your salvation. I have checked the Bible study SBC literature over those years and have not found information that specifically says that those who do not believe in eternal security, fear that they will lose their salvation. What the SBC literature generally does say about this subject is something like this: "We know we are eternally secure because the Bible teaches eternal security". This implies that if you don't believe in eternal security, you can not be sure you will not lose your salvation. I have not found the SBC literature to specifically say the above implication; I assume the reason is that in most cases, it can be challenged.
IMO, the reason most eternal security believers will not objectively consider those scriptures which imply a conflict with any of the doctrines of eternal security, is that they think that if they don't believe in eternal security, they can't be sure of their continued salvation.
I have found that in many eternal security believing churches, there is a general lack of knowledge of what other churches actually believe on this subject."[/QUOTE]
The above post was to answer the OP as to why some think eternal security is so important. The main purpose of the above post was to help other Christians understand why eternal security believers are so rigid in their beliefs; it is because they mistakenly believe that if you don't believe in eternal security, you will live in fear of losing your salvation.
Biblicist wants me to enter a debate with him on eternal security. I could debate either side of that issue. I have not participated in a security of the believer debate in years, because the only practical differences in the beliefs are primarily a difference in definitions and terminology. IMO, it would be a waste of time.
I do have two questions for Biblicist which I am courious about.
1. There was a Dr. Walter on here which projected the same attitude and positions as you do. Are you and Dr. walter the same person? A simple yes or no would suffice.
2. In post #3 of this thread, there are listed three different doctrines of eternal security listed as follows:
a. A True Christian cannot or will not stop believing (the most popular ES version)
b. A True Christian can stop believing and still go to heaven (the Zane Hodges/Charles Stanley version)
c. Perserverance of the saints (Calvinist).
Which of these three versions do you agree with? Note that you can not agree with both versions "a" and "b" since they directly contradict each other concerning if a True Christian can stop believing. Again, a simple "a". "b" or "c" will suffice.