I have been away from the forum and I come back to find such name calling directly addressed at me in your first response to my post? Why can't you simply discuss the issues without doing this? I have refrained from such name calling why can't you? You didn't even provide any referenced data in this post but simply made an substantiated assertion and concluded it by name calling! How can anyone rationaly discuss anything with a person who responds like that?
True, I made an assertion but I did NOT call you or anyone else "liars" or any other names. If you disagree with assertion, then simply disagree and/or provide some data to prove I am wrong and/or prove you are right without the name calling!
My assertion was that the anti-security position provides no salvation for the human will. Furthermore, the human will is not a faculty INDEPENDENT from the spiritual nature of man but is rather the vehicle of expression for that spiritual nature and the proof is found in the Greek terms used and translated "will" in the New Testament (1) Theloma; (2) Boulomai.
The first by its etymology shows that the will in that case is a determination dominated by human emotions while the latter by etymology shows that the will is under the dominate influence of human intellect. This is the cases with all choices as all choices are either dominated by ration or emotion. When I say "dominated" I do not mean that any choice is without both but only that one dominates in that decision.
The idea that the human will is isolated from and/or without influence of the rest of human nature is not taught in Scriptures nor is it true to our experience.
The anti-security position has no salvation for the human will and the proof is that YOU CANNOT describe what salvation of the will is? Prove me wrong and describe WHAT is the will saved from? I say it is saved from apostasy but what what is the will saved from under your view? sin? Find me a saved person who does not sin.