It was not my sensibilities that were offended. I think I know where you were aiming, as well. I do not have a problem with that, just the name calling. And I do fully agree with the evading of a question. I think a question deserves an answer. Yes, also I have seen multiple twisting of words, as well, by many. I would also agree that there is no reason for that either. I do not think it is the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ for His appeal was to the Scriptures, as He said "Search the Scriptures...". The Scriptures say: "Set forth your case" in, I believe, Isa. 40:22 but I'm running behind, after loading two bulls on the farm and will not look this up. The Word also says to 'have an answer for every man that asks you a reason...' Seems like a plan, to me. In His grace,