Originally posted by Scott J:
Sorry Dave. This is one of those debates where the feeding frenzy isn't safe for the cubs.
The interpretive translation you agreed with has a history of conflict here so the knee jerk reaction was that you were coming down on the other side.
Again, I apologize.
A feeding frenzy describes the habits of sharks. It also implies that there may be something wrong amidst all the wonderful knowledge that is being shared. So putting knowledge aside for a moment, I would like to address what I consider is a more important issue to me personally. That is the issue of character or the quality of a man or woman that is a Christian who is trying to save others.
I consider you a man of character for your sincere apology. Your explanation also shows that you have understanding and compassion. It is only a man of character or reputation and understanding that I will listen to. I can listen to you more.
Additionally, aren’t you really trying to reach the cubs with your knowledge? What good is it to fight with the pack, when there might be hungry cubs around? I hope that you find pleasure in having cubs around the pack. The things you say and do now will affect sensitive and eager young minds of the cubs. Cubs need kindness, gentleness and unconditional acceptance. It is in this healthy family setting that cubs can gain the knowledge they need to succeed in their lives. I am here on this web site looking for men and women of character first, then knowledge. I am lonely and I lack wisdom on many spiritual issues. I am a cub and I am reachable.
Originally posted by johnp.:
Hello Dave.
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Please take it easy on me.
I agree with you and Scott I apologise. I was too harsh. Not wrong though.
Thank you for your correction. Heed ours.
</font>[/QUOTE]Let me speak.
John, Your apology comes with mixed signals. You apologize yet seem to reassert your dominance over me. It matters not to me, how much knowledge you have, but how you treat me as you share such precious and hard to gain knowledge. How can I trust you, if I don't think you even like me as a person. I don't think that having abundant knowledge releases me from the commandment to love one another and to have that love for others in increasing amounts. Love to me, is kind, gentle and makes peace. Love to me, is much more important than knowledge. Love to me, is not self-seeking or demanding of it’s own way. Love to me, doesn’t (imo) hold a grudge or treat others (lost or saved) with contempt.
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I actually feel a little hurt.
Chin up man.
Stiff upper lip and all that. I think the callouses will take awhile to soften with me be patient, I was on the C/A forum for years I've forgotten polite.
</font>[/QUOTE]Now you are being honest with me and your character is gaining credit with me. If you would consider reversing your tactics and always put being polite first, then try to make your knowledge easier to entreat, you might reach more cubs, as Scott so aptly described me.
Imho, during a debate or discussion with a Christian, I should not have to put my chin up or keep a stiff upper lip or feel the need to protect myself. I should not anticipate receiving facial bruises or a busted lip as I engage a believer in complex topics. That is not gentle, kind, selfless, peaceable or humble. Instead it becomes an environment of hostility and men of faith should not produce an environment of hostility during their public debates. Gentleness, kindness, meekness and charity should always be present in a Christian’s conversation, if that person is a follower of the Christ. Knowledge alone in my opinion doesn’t make a man of character. A man of character is always polite, even when he is right and everyone else is wrong. I think it can even be a sacrifice. Being polite can taste bad in my mouth but it is as sweet as honey to all those who receive it. If your knowledge is great, then your responsibility and accountability is also great. If being polite, kind or gentle has to be omitted from my delivery of knowledge, then my knowledge is of no value to others. If during my debates or conversations, I have contempt for my audience, even though I may disguise my contempt, I feel that I practice evil even though I have knowledge. I say that, because I've done it before and I am ashamed of it.
To me, it is good character first, at all times and never failing, then knowledge, not the other way around. This is one reason why I think cults are so effective and powerful. They put love first, and then deliver bad knowledge then they remove love. Love first and always, and then good knowledge and love that remains is a perfect combination, in my opinion.
It is not my intent veer off topic, but I was taken aback and surprised as I began to participate in this thread. Honestly, I did not expect it.