The word gleukos us found one place in the New Testament, Acts 2:13. According to Strong's this word means sweet wine. This is opposite of sour wine, oxos, and can mean any of the following: vinegar, sour wine; could be made from grape wine or other fermented beverages; when mixed with water, it was a common, cheap drink of the poor and of the Roman soldiers . Mt 27:48; Mk 15:36; Lk 23:36; Jn 19:29f.
The common term for wine, femented wine is oinos and is found in: Mt 9:17; Mk 2:22; Lk 1:15; Jn 2:3; Ro 14:21; Ep 5:18; 1Ti 3:8; Ti 2:3; Re 6:6; etc.
The word for strong wine, sikera is found once in Lk 1:15.
So it is an error to say that wine, as a fermented drink, is not found in the Bible or New Testament.
I believe this is rather like the "eating the meat offered before idols" in Paul's wirting. If you believe that drinking alcohol is a sin for you, then to do so is a sin. For those who do not believe it is a sin, then drinking in moderation is not a sin. Drinking to excess is always a sin, just as gluttony is a sin. As I do not like the taste of alcohol and thus do not drink ... well it is no star in my crown, no merit to me.