JerryL said:
But, the Corinthians were getting drunk on it at what was supposed to be the Lord's Supper.
Actually, they were not getting drunk. Study the passage more closely, and the Greek word "methuo". While "methuo" can mean intoxicated, it can also mean drink well... which is an entirely different meaning.
The context is people eating and drinking more than their share while the poor go away hungry. It is not speaking of alcohol at all, but rather gluttony. Notice the contrast? One is hungry, and another is drunken? Paul was reprimanding them for their gluttonous actions, not for alcohol.
To further show it is not speaking of alcohol in Chapter 11, one only need to go back to Chapter 6 where Paul stated drunkards would not inherit the Kingdom. Paul goes on to say "...And such were some of you..." Why not 'and such were all of you, but some are washed...'? Paul clearly shows that those he was addressing were not drunkards.
Also, as I pointed out previously, it was not the Lord's Supper, but rather fellowship as Paul stated. They may have called it the Lord's Supper, but it was not.