1. Because you asking us to do something we truly believe to be unbiblical...
2. Because we believe it to be unbiblical, and because we believe God does not currently call people to do things his word says they should not do, it logically follows that if a woman desires to be the next pastor of our church, we believe it is not a true calling from God. Other examples of this principle would be:
-A single 30 year old man who said the Lord was calling him to one-on-one counseling with teen girls.
-A man with 4 wives who said he felt called to be our pastor.
3. Now, this does not mean her calling to teach God's word and help people understand and apply it is invalid...simply that she must apply that calling within the bounderies Scripture has given (as we truly believe, not that we are making up because we don't like women.)
4. To attribute the entirity of complimentarianism to gender hatred or fear is simply unfair, untrue, and not helpful to the discussion...proven by the fact that there are people who truly believe that their wife to be wiser, more godly, and more gifted than them, but they also truly believe putting her in a pastoral role would violate God's revealed design.