New Member
What would you do if you found out that Reformed theology was error and not what the Bible is really saying?
Now, as long as you read books written by fellow Calvinists, that is not going to happen. But put those books down and read the Bible alone and you might get a real shock. There are volumes of scripture that easily refute Reformed theology.
Quit letting other people tell you what to believe. Read the Bible and ask God to reveal his word to you. If you honestly ask that and seek to know the truth with all your heart, you will be alright.

Great post, Win! :thumbsup:
While I my "personal theology" embraces much of what Reformed theology teaches, I find what passes for it around these parts to be stiff, unyielding, arrogant, and elitist. What passes for "reformed theology" around here, in fact, ain't even close. It's an amalgam of hyper-Calvinist drivel. They don't even seem to realize that Calvin's writings encompass so much more than the five points that those wind up being an afterthought in his overall doctrinal views. What they, on this board, ultimately arrive at ends up being legalistic and, amazingly, strongly Charismatic without the "signs and wonders" nonsense. How do we explain that?
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