When we were first struggling financially after we had children, I asked my husband if he wanted me to get a job - maybe overnight when he is home with the kids - so that we could make ends meet. He told me that he would rather I stay home and he work an extra job because he always knew that when he came home, it was a haven. Food was on the table, the children were cared for and he knew that it was a place to go that was safe but if I worked, things would begin to fall apart at home and he didn't want that.
In public it is easy to show a united front because we ARE united.On those few things we disagree on, we don't usually air it outside the home unless we seek counsel from a few close, godly friends.
I think here we see a perfect example of why a "Yes" answer to:
Do women have the scriptural authority speak in public (in church or even in public forum such as this)?
...is not innapropriate