Not my opinion just what the bible says. The RCC is a man made organization that pushes a false theology. The RCC history proves the error of that system.
So we should trust how the RCC reads and misinterpreted scripture according to their human opinion. As I said you are funny. Your whole argument has been circular from the start.
If Bible aloners were all in total agreement, no denominations, one faith after reading the Bible. I would be right there with you. I really would. It would be obvious.
If prayerfully reading the Bible and The Holy Spirit’s guidance was true interpreting for each individual, the result would be total unity among believers on a singular interpretation, despite human frailty, then Bible alonism would be completely proven true. Game, set and match. No doubt at all. Sign me up.
The Holy Spirit is The Spirit of Truth, by His power human ignorance and frailty would be no obstacle in forming a singular clear interpretation of Scripture and set of doctrines. Not even foreign languages got in His way and people all understood and believed.
But what has been the fruit of Bible alonism, what has manifested from it. Using the Lord’s measure of knowing a tree by its fruit.
The fruit of Bible alonism has been division and chaos. Lawlessness in conflicting interpretations of scripture and doctrines, and disputation, schism that has not ended to this day.
The fruit has been that believers in Christ are set against each other, not unified and they break unity from one another, even now.
Each has not been arguing for scripture, each has been arguing for his own interpretations of scripture.
Whose work are you honestly attributing that to? Making the Bible itself the source of Bible aloners disunity.
The fundamental problem has always been ignorance of how The Holy Spirit operates.
The Holy Spirit operates through the Spoken Word of God, the preaching of the living Church, preaching by The Spirit, Apostolic Tradition. Not in individual textual criticism of scripture.
This is the answer to the mystery why Bible alonism scattered in countless schisms and conflicting doctrines.
“ Hold to the traditions we taught you, either by word of our mouth or by letter. “
Bible aloners didn’t obey this, they only took scripture alone, rejecting the word of mouth Tradition of The Holy Spirit which gives the singular true interpretation of the written word of God.
So in reality they neither follow Scripture or Tradition. Scripture tells them to follow the Apostolic Oral Tradition, but they refuse, and follow countless human interpretive traditions instead.