You must have a great imagination come up with these fanciful tales? The same one that you us to justify the RCC. I have a shepherd that I follow but He does not determine each step that I take. A shepherd leads/guides but does not determine what one will think.
No, a shepherd will tell you how to think, he will imbue the sheep with the mind of Christ by lesson and example.
The bible tells you that the RCC is wrong.
No it doesn’t. The Catholic Church told the world what the Bible is.
Funny that you would say what you did. The RCC is all about control from the top down so they fit your description quite well. As you said it is your pope and councils that have informed you as to that the bible says in other words CONTROL FROM THE TOP DOWN.
Hegoats only see Shepherds as tyrants out to control them, why, because hegoats want to be in control. ‘ I don’t need a man to explain‘.
“Obey those who have the rule over you and submit yourselves, for they keep watch over your souls as ones who must give an account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief, for that is unprofitable for you.”
Hegoats have Authority issues and ignore the guardians of their souls, ultimately they do only what seems good their own eyes. No one rules over them and they never submit themselves to anyone.
They despise the top down “control” of the Shepherds, and they sneer at the sheep lead by the Shepherds as stupid sheep.
Sheep are very different, sheep are humble and know their station and are docile and teachable, respectful, a real joy to work with.
A sheep will limp to a shepherd and confess his injuries to him for binding, will listen to the Shepherds correction and lessons with attentive enthusiasm.
Hegoats cause nothing but grief to Shepherds, proud, defiant and wilful, they can not be taught or corrected on anything. They will not take a correction, they always know better. They only see authority figures as a threat to their control. They are a real pain to work with.
Note the word GUIDE. Why would you think my understanding would be infallible?
The Holy Spirit is The Spirit of Truth and guides in all Truth, so if you were guided by Him in your textual criticism of scripture, you would be Infallible, despite human frailty.
If that’s not what is happening, then your interpretations of scripture are fallible human teachings deceiving yourself and others.
How The Holy Spirit actually operates is through the Spoken Word of God.
“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and will cause you to remember everything I
said to you.”
The Holy Spirit teaches by recall of what was preached and taught by word of mouth in a living Church, not by individual textual criticism of scripture.
That’s why Protestantism scattered into thousands of conflicting interpretations and doctrines. They rejected the Spoken Word of God in Apostolic Tradition and only took the Written Word of God, which they nullify by their many fallible human interpretations.
Even sheep wander by times. I have never claimed infallibility as your popes have.
If you aren’t Infallible, then you don’t have the Truth and you can not correct or teach anyone.
So now your denying the written word of God.
Jesus Voice is Spoken not Written, no voice is written only spoken.
“ He who
listens to you,
listens to me “
The living Church carries Christ’s Voice through the Apostles successors.