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Well-Known Member
Actually by Peter's actions he was calling into question what he had been teaching, that Christ was the only way.

Did you never hear the expression, actions speak loader than words?

Gal 2:13 The rest of the Jews joined him in hypocrisy, with the result that even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy.
Gal 2:14 But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in the presence of all, "If you, being a Jew, live like the Gentiles and not like the Jews, how is it that you compel the Gentiles to live like Jews?

By living like the Jews they were falling back under the law. The law which does not save.

Once again the bible shows the error of your views.

So what is hypocrisy? Teaching one thing but then doing another.

So Peter taught correctly about showing no partiality, but separated from the Gentiles to eat with the Jews.

Again, Paul was simply disputing Peters actions not his teaching, in fact Paul was holding Peter to his teaching by condemning Peters actions.

It’s plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
Different Gospel apart from the Gospel of your opinion. Your opinion isn’t Gospel, don’t confuse the two.

I write stories so that you understand the situation correctly.

You have suffered a terrible accident, you have theological aphasia and historical amnesia, whether it’s terminal is yet to be determined.
I think with time and grace you can heal from it.

The words of Scripture you don’t understand, your memory before Luther is shot.

Heresy and schism is generational head trauma, the wrong people have filled in the blanks for you and you believed it.

The Gospel preached by The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is the true Gospel.

Not the Scripture you read and misinterpreted according to your human opinion.

There is only One Church Jesus founded, the Catholic Church, the Real Church the Mother of the Bible.

Not my opinion just what the bible says. The RCC is a man made organization that pushes a false theology. The RCC history proves the error of that system.

So we should trust how the RCC reads and misinterpreted scripture according to their human opinion. As I said you are funny. Your whole argument has been circular from the start.


Well-Known Member
So what is hypocrisy? Teaching one thing but then doing another.

So Peter taught correctly about showing no partiality, but separated from the Gentiles to eat with the Jews.

Again, Paul was simply disputing Peters actions not his teaching, in fact Paul was holding Peter to his teaching by condemning Peters actions.

It’s plain and simple.

So this Peter you call the first pope did not have the conviction of his stated beliefs. He just when with the flow, the path of least resistance. Yes that is what you would call hypocrisy.

Much like the RCC that talks one way and who's actions or should I say inaction show another.


Well-Known Member
Not my opinion just what the bible says.

That’s what every Bible aloner says, yet they disagree on what it says. The circular insanity.

The RCC is a man made organization that pushes a false theology. The RCC history proves the error of that system.

Bible alone Protestantism is full of man made organisations, their disunity and conflicting interpretations and doctrines proves their error.
Every Protestant denomination has a human founder.

Jesus founded the Catholic Church.

So we should trust how the RCC reads and misinterpreted scripture according to their human opinion. As I said you are funny. Your whole argument has been circular from the start.

The Catholic Church is the Bibles Mother, She conceived it in her womb, carried it through persecution and gave birth it in her Councils.

Yes you should trust the Catholic Church.

Apostolic Tradition is not human opinion like all the traditions of men in Protestantism.
Apostolic Tradition is the singular and correct understanding of Scripture handed down from the inspired Apostles.

Not enough to just have the Apostolic writings, you must have the Apostolic understandings of the Apostolic writings.

Not only do Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and all the others preach different gospels from the Apostles, they preach different gospels from each other.
Human founded falsity, manifestly wrong.


Well-Known Member
That’s what every Bible aloner says, yet they disagree on what it says. The circular insanity.

Bible alone Protestantism is full of man made organisations, their disunity and conflicting interpretations and doctrines proves their error.
Every Protestant denomination has a human founder.

Jesus founded the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church is the Bibles Mother, She conceived it in her womb, carried it through persecution and gave birth it in her Councils.

Yes you should trust the Catholic Church.

Apostolic Tradition is not human opinion like all the traditions of men in Protestantism.
Apostolic Tradition is the singular and correct understanding of Scripture handed down from the inspired Apostles.

Not enough to just have the Apostolic writings, you must have the Apostolic understandings of the Apostolic writings.

Not only do Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and all the others preach different gospels from the Apostles, they preach different gospels from each other.
Human founded falsity, manifestly wrong.

There you go making your unfounded silly comments again. Jesus did not found the RCC man did. That is why the true church follows Christ and the RCC follows some man.

I have not depended upon Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and all the others as I have the word of God. I understand that you do not feel qualified to read and understand scripture but you should not think that all people are as limited as those who are in the RCC are.

By your own words you have to rely on the "enlightened" ones your organization to tell you what the bible says. Thankfully those of us not indoctrinated into that group do not have to rely on them as we have the Holy Spirit to guide us.


Well-Known Member
There you go making your unfounded silly comments again. Jesus did not found the RCC man did. That is why the true church follows Christ and the RCC follows some man.

I have not depended upon Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and all the others as I have the word of God. I understand that you do not feel qualified to read and understand scripture but you should not think that all people are as limited as those who are in the RCC are.

By your own words you have to rely on the "enlightened" ones your organization to tell you what the bible says. Thankfully those of us not indoctrinated into that group do not have to rely on them as we have the Holy Spirit to guide us.

No. You follow Bible alone, that’s Luther’s Gospel, the Bible doesn’t teach that.

You follow faith alone, that’s Luther’s Gospel, the Bible doesn’t teach that either.

All these human founders are the different gospel that Paul warns about. You are following the different gospel. It didn’t take a false angel of light to fool you, all it took was a mentally ill drunkard from Germany.

Zwingli invented symbolic Baptism and symbolic Eucharist, he dithered on these, yet the cat was out of the bag.

These men are the Protestant Apostles, preaching the different gospel, human tradition.

Catholics follow Apostolic Tradition, the Apostles interpretation of Scripture handed down in singular belief.

Protestantism follows human founded traditions, scattering into thousands of conflicted beliefs.


Well-Known Member
No. You follow Bible alone, that’s Luther’s Gospel, the Bible doesn’t teach that.

You follow faith alone, that’s Luther’s Gospel, the Bible doesn’t teach that either.

All these human founders are the different gospel that Paul warns about. You are following the different gospel. It didn’t take a false angel of light to fool you, all it took was a mentally ill drunkard from Germany.

Zwingli invented symbolic Baptism and symbolic Eucharist, he dithered on these, yet the cat was out of the bag.

These men are the Protestant Apostles, preaching the different gospel, human tradition.

Catholics follow Apostolic Tradition, the Apostles interpretation of Scripture handed down in singular belief.

Protestantism follows human founded traditions, scattering into thousands of conflicted beliefs.

Your whole argument revolves around, believe the RCC to when it tells you that it is telling you the truth.

The fact that you can not read and trust scripture is saddening. You have taken a gift of God and thrown it in the trash. But you trust men that have shown themselves to be less that trustworthy.


Well-Known Member
If Protestantism was true and monolithic.

If it was true that all you needed was to pick the bible and read it, and every time people had Spirit guided interpretation and doctrines, despite human weakness, then Protestantism would be proven completely true.

The Bible would unite the entire Church not just spiritually but we would all be standing next to each other at the same Church physically, in one heart and mind.

In Protestantism, the Bible is the source of their disunity, because the underlying premise of Bible alone is false. From each man comes a different gospel, different human founded traditions, on the SAME BIBLE.

Another definition of insanity is doing the same thing each time expecting the same result yet getting a different result every time.


Well-Known Member
Your whole argument revolves around, believe the RCC to when it tells you that it is telling you the truth.

Your whole argument revolves around, subjugating scripture to your fallible opinion and call that the truth.

No, it’s an idea that is constantly proven wrong by the results. It’s been tried like communism and it doesn’t work.

It’s the false “ what does the scripture mean to me “ garbage that has caused all the division and chaos.

Snap out of it and see it for the mixed subjective dogs breakfast it is.

It is pure pride to think that you alone are the arbiter of Scriptures meaning.

The fact that you can not read and trust scripture is saddening. You have taken a gift of God and thrown it in the trash. But you trust men that have shown themselves to be less that trustworthy.

You trust men in your human founded tradition, unstable men that Peter warned you about, preaching different gospels Paul warned you about.

Each human founder of Protestant churches preaches a different gospel, each in conflict with the Ancient Apostolic understanding of Scripture and each in conflict with each other’s understanding of Scripture.

Open your eyes, and ears, and snap out of it, see it for the mess it is.


Well-Known Member
If Protestantism was true and monolithic.

If it was true that all you needed was to pick the bible and read it, and every time people had Spirit guided interpretation and doctrines, despite human weakness, then Protestantism would be proven completely true.

The Bible would unite the entire Church not just spiritually but we would all be standing next to each other at the same Church physically, in one heart and mind.

In Protestantism, the Bible is the source of their disunity, because the underlying premise of Bible alone is false. From each man comes a different gospel, different human founded traditions, on the SAME BIBLE.

Another definition of insanity is doing the same thing each time expecting the same result yet getting a different result every time.

That is why we who are not indoctrinated into the mind set of the RCC are not insane. Your own comments about how different we are just proves that.

Why would God want the robots of the RCC when He can have actual thinking individuals.

I cannot control how others relate to God, just myself. So while you need the RCC to tell you how to understand who God is I trust His written word and the Holy Spirit to guide me.


Well-Known Member
Your whole argument revolves around, subjugating scripture to your fallible opinion and call that the truth.

No, it’s an idea that is constantly proven wrong by the results. It’s been tried like communism and it doesn’t work.

It’s the false “ what does the scripture mean to me “ garbage that has caused all the division and chaos.

Snap out of it and see it for the mixed subjective dogs breakfast it is.

It is pure pride to think that you alone are the arbiter of Scriptures meaning.
Your whole argument is based on the idea that I follow some group or man in how I understand the bible. I do not have a pope or councils such as you do that tell me what to think.

You have been mislead into thinking you cannot think for yourself, that you are unable to read the word of God and be guided by it. Look at all the false teachings that your popes and councils have forced on you.
You trust men in your human founded tradition, unstable men that Peter warned you about, preaching different gospels Paul warned you about.

Each human founder of Protestant churches preaches a different gospel, each in conflict with the Ancient Apostolic understanding of Scripture and each in conflict with each other’s understanding of Scripture.

Open your eyes, and ears, and snap out of it, see it for the mess it is.

You are trusting councils and a pope and by your own words traditions that they tell you are scriptural. Your arguments prove the RCC is false.

The RCC does no trust scripture.

Why do you keep falling back to, well those different denominations, I have told you over and over that I do not speak for them just myself. What we find in some churches is that they follow some man which is just what you do. They are in error just as you are.

That is why I am a baptist. I do not need some man or group of men to tell me what the word of God says.

You have got to get over the mindset that it is the church that saves you. It does not. You are so focused on protecting the RCC that you miss the truths found in the word of God. You have fallen for the lies that came from your councils and popes.

To quote you "Open your eyes, and ears, and snap out of it, see it for the mess it is."


Well-Known Member
Why would God want the robots of the RCC when He can have actual thinking individuals.

Not robots, sheep. Does the idea of being a humble sheep detest you, being docile and lead by still waters, and good pastures. Hearing Christ’s Voice in His Apostolic Shepherds and ruminating on it. Boring?
Is it more thrilling breaking free from the flock and being a rebellious wilful hegoat who follows his own nose.
Brimming with self sufficiency the hegoat endures no sound valley pasture, he eats thistles and thorns and climbs high dangerous precipices by his own meandering volition. No one tells him what to do, his own opinion has always been his truth.

There are no self shepherding sheep, these are wilful hegoats that die by misadventure and very high falls, their shattered bones litter the valley as a lesson for all the passing sheep of the flock.

I cannot control how others relate to God, just myself.

Then why do you presume to tell others they are wrong?

Control is the operative word, that’s not sheep speak, that’s the dark language of the high mountain wanderers.

So while you need the RCC to tell you how to understand who God is I trust His written word and the Holy Spirit to guide me.

If The Holy Spirit guided your interpretations of Scripture, then you would be Infallible, and those interpretations and doctrines therefrom. And the whole world should sit humbly at your feet and learn from you the true saving Christian doctrines.

“ My sheep know my Voice “

Jesus Voice isn’t written, it is Spoken, it is Spoken through His Apostolic Shepherds down the ages.

Martin Marprelate

Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
You have suffered a terrible accident, you have theological aphasia and historical amnesia, whether it’s terminal is yet to be determined.
I think with time and grace you can heal from it.

The words of Scripture you don’t understand, your memory before Luther is shot.

Heresy and schism is generational head trauma, the wrong people have filled in the blanks for you and you believed it.

The Gospel preached by The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is the true Gospel.

Not the Scripture you read and misinterpreted according to your human opinion.

There is only One Church Jesus founded, the Catholic Church, the Real Church the Mother of the Bible.
I think it may be your memory before (and after) Luther that is shot. How about your memory of 1046, when the Holy Roman Emperor Henry III came to Rome to be crowned officially as Emperor? He found no fewer than three 'popes' all vying for power and busy hurling anathemas at one another. There had been a popular rebellion against Benedict IX in 1044, and Sylvester III was appointed in his place, but he was no improvement, and Benedict's allies (read "cronies") had managed to put him back in power. Then he got fed up with being pope and sold the papacy to a third candidate, Gregory VI, but then changed his mind and reclaimed it!
So Emperor Henry called a synod at a place called Sutri, had all three 'popes' deposed, and appointed a fourth one, Clement III, so he could get crowned!
This all got played out again in the "Great Schism' of 1378-1417, when again there were two 'popes,' one in Rome and one in Avignon.
And don't get me started on the situation in the 9th Century, when three wealthy women contrived to get their lovers and illegitimate children appointed 'pope.' Or the 15th Century when Julius II led troops into battle, or the Borgia 'pope' whose immoralities scandalized Christians. Or the 19th Century when the Papal States were so badly run and the people so impoverished that they welcomed Garibaldi when his forces liberated Rome and the surrounding area in 1870-1.
So much for 'Apostolic Succession'! Multiple 'popes' have been unfit to hold office and therefore unfit to pass it on. Your "One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church" is found to be Babylon the great, drunk with the blood of the martyrs.


Well-Known Member
Not robots, sheep. Does the idea of being a humble sheep detest you, being docile and lead by still waters, and good pastures. Hearing Christ’s Voice in His Apostolic Shepherds and ruminating on it. Boring?
Is it more thrilling breaking free from the flock and being a rebellious wilful hegoat who follows his own nose.
Brimming with self sufficiency the hegoat endures no sound valley pasture, he eats thistles and thorns and climbs high dangerous precipices by his own meandering volition. No one tells him what to do, his own opinion has always been his truth.

There are no self shepherding sheep, these are wilful hegoats that die by misadventure and very high falls, their shattered bones litter the valley as a lesson for all the passing sheep of the flock.
You must have a great imagination come up with these fanciful tales? The same one that you us to justify the RCC. I have a shepherd that I follow but He does not determine each step that I take. A shepherd leads/guides but does not determine what one will think.
Then why do you presume to tell others they are wrong?

Control is the operative word, that’s not sheep speak, that’s the dark language of the high mountain wanderers.
The bible tells you that the RCC is wrong. Funny that you would say what you did. The RCC is all about control from the top down so they fit your description quite well. As you said it is your pope and councils that have informed you as to that the bible says in other words CONTROL FROM THE TOP DOWN.
If The Holy Spirit guided your interpretations of Scripture, then you would be Infallible, and those interpretations and doctrines therefrom. And the whole world should sit humbly at your feet and learn from you the true saving Christian doctrines.

“ My sheep know my Voice “

Jesus Voice isn’t written, it is Spoken, it is Spoken through His Apostolic Shepherds down the ages.

Note the word GUIDE. Why would you think my understanding would be infallible? Even sheep wander by times. I have never claimed infallibility as your popes have.

So now your denying the written word of God.


Well-Known Member
I think it may be your memory before (and after) Luther that is shot. How about your memory of 1046, when the Holy Roman Emperor Henry III came to Rome to be crowned officially as Emperor? He found no fewer than three 'popes' all vying for power and busy hurling anathemas at one another. There had been a popular rebellion against Benedict IX in 1044, and Sylvester III was appointed in his place, but he was no improvement, and Benedict's allies (read "cronies") had managed to put him back in power. Then he got fed up with being pope and sold the papacy to a third candidate, Gregory VI, but then changed his mind and reclaimed it!
So Emperor Henry called a synod at a place called Sutri, had all three 'popes' deposed, and appointed a fourth one, Clement III, so he could get crowned!
This all got played out again in the "Great Schism' of 1378-1417, when again there were two 'popes,' one in Rome and one in Avignon.
And don't get me started on the situation in the 9th Century, when three wealthy women contrived to get their lovers and illegitimate children appointed 'pope.' Or the 15th Century when Julius II led troops into battle, or the Borgia 'pope' whose immoralities scandalized Christians. Or the 19th Century when the Papal States were so badly run and the people so impoverished that they welcomed Garibaldi when his forces liberated Rome and the surrounding area in 1870-1.
So much for 'Apostolic Succession'! Multiple 'popes' have been unfit to hold office and therefore unfit to pass it on. Your "One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church" is found to be Babylon the great, drunk with the blood of the martyrs.

And yet the Papacy still stands, along with the whole Church entire.


Well-Known Member
You must have a great imagination come up with these fanciful tales? The same one that you us to justify the RCC. I have a shepherd that I follow but He does not determine each step that I take. A shepherd leads/guides but does not determine what one will think.

No, a shepherd will tell you how to think, he will imbue the sheep with the mind of Christ by lesson and example.

The bible tells you that the RCC is wrong.

No it doesn’t. The Catholic Church told the world what the Bible is.

Funny that you would say what you did. The RCC is all about control from the top down so they fit your description quite well. As you said it is your pope and councils that have informed you as to that the bible says in other words CONTROL FROM THE TOP DOWN.

Hegoats only see Shepherds as tyrants out to control them, why, because hegoats want to be in control. ‘ I don’t need a man to explain‘.

“Obey those who have the rule over you and submit yourselves, for they keep watch over your souls as ones who must give an account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief, for that is unprofitable for you.”

Hegoats have Authority issues and ignore the guardians of their souls, ultimately they do only what seems good their own eyes. No one rules over them and they never submit themselves to anyone.
They despise the top down “control” of the Shepherds, and they sneer at the sheep lead by the Shepherds as stupid sheep.

Sheep are very different, sheep are humble and know their station and are docile and teachable, respectful, a real joy to work with.
A sheep will limp to a shepherd and confess his injuries to him for binding, will listen to the Shepherds correction and lessons with attentive enthusiasm.

Hegoats cause nothing but grief to Shepherds, proud, defiant and wilful, they can not be taught or corrected on anything. They will not take a correction, they always know better. They only see authority figures as a threat to their control. They are a real pain to work with.

Note the word GUIDE. Why would you think my understanding would be infallible?

The Holy Spirit is The Spirit of Truth and guides in all Truth, so if you were guided by Him in your textual criticism of scripture, you would be Infallible, despite human frailty.
If that’s not what is happening, then your interpretations of scripture are fallible human teachings deceiving yourself and others.

How The Holy Spirit actually operates is through the Spoken Word of God.

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and will cause you to remember everything I said to you.”

The Holy Spirit teaches by recall of what was preached and taught by word of mouth in a living Church, not by individual textual criticism of scripture.

That’s why Protestantism scattered into thousands of conflicting interpretations and doctrines. They rejected the Spoken Word of God in Apostolic Tradition and only took the Written Word of God, which they nullify by their many fallible human interpretations.

Even sheep wander by times. I have never claimed infallibility as your popes have.

If you aren’t Infallible, then you don’t have the Truth and you can not correct or teach anyone.

So now your denying the written word of God.

Jesus Voice is Spoken not Written, no voice is written only spoken.

“ He who listens to you, listens to me “

The living Church carries Christ’s Voice through the Apostles successors.


Well-Known Member
Matthew 23:8-10, . . . be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.

John 17:11, And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.

1 Timothy 2.5, For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; . . .
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Well-Known Member
No, a shepherd will tell you how to think, he will imbue the sheep with the mind of Christ by lesson and example.

No it doesn’t. The Catholic Church told the world what the Bible is.

Hegoats only see Shepherds as tyrants out to control them, why, because hegoats want to be in control. ‘ I don’t need a man to explain‘.

“Obey those who have the rule over you and submit yourselves, for they keep watch over your souls as ones who must give an account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief, for that is unprofitable for you.”

Hegoats have Authority issues and ignore the guardians of their souls, ultimately they do only what seems good their own eyes. No one rules over them and they never submit themselves to anyone.
They despise the top down “control” of the Shepherds, and they sneer at the sheep lead by the Shepherds as stupid sheep.

Sheep are very different, sheep are humble and know their station and are docile and teachable, respectful, a real joy to work with.
A sheep will limp to a shepherd and confess his injuries to him for binding, will listen to the Shepherds correction and lessons with attentive enthusiasm.

Hegoats cause nothing but grief to Shepherds, proud, defiant and wilful, they can not be taught or corrected on anything. They will not take a correction, they always know better. They only see authority figures as a threat to their control. They are a real pain to work with.

The Holy Spirit is The Spirit of Truth and guides in all Truth, so if you were guided by Him in your textual criticism of scripture, you would be Infallible, despite human frailty.
If that’s not what is happening, then your interpretations of scripture are fallible human teachings deceiving yourself and others.

How The Holy Spirit actually operates is through the Spoken Word of God.

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and will cause you to remember everything I said to you.”

The Holy Spirit teaches by recall of what was preached and taught by word of mouth in a living Church, not by individual textual criticism of scripture.

That’s why Protestantism scattered into thousands of conflicting interpretations and doctrines. They rejected the Spoken Word of God in Apostolic Tradition and only took the Written Word of God, which they nullify by their many fallible human interpretations.

If you aren’t Infallible, then you don’t have the Truth and you can not correct or teach anyone.

Jesus Voice is Spoken not Written, no voice is written only spoken.

“ He who listens to you, listens to me “

The living Church carries Christ’s Voice through the Apostles successors.

You are so blinded by your RCC that you cannot see the truth. It is not scripture you believe but what the RCC tells you and we know how false their teachings are. You have been provided scripture and historical facts about the errors of the RCC and you still cling to that false organization.

So you have proven that it is not truth but agreement with the RCC false doctrines that you want. You will just have to go somewhere else to get that as here on the baptist board we know what the truth is and it is not your RCC.

You refuse to receive the word of God so it is time to leave you to travel the road of false religion that you are on. May God have mercy on your soul.


Well-Known Member
Matthew 23:8-10, . . . be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.

John 17:11, And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.

1 Timothy 2.5, For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; . . .

This verse is not part protestant scripture, it’s invisible or something.

“Obey those who have the rule over you and submit yourselves, for they keep watch over your souls as ones who must give an account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief, for that is unprofitable for you.” Heb 13:17

No one wants to submit or obey to leadership, ultimately it’s me and my bible, and if I don’t like the leadership, I’ll go follow my nose.

Seems like they’ll misquote any other verse so as not to follow this verse. Like a strict communist egalitarianism must be maintained, no man of higher authority than the other.

“And all Ye are brothers “ therefore no one can order you on anything.

Even among brothers there are hierarchies, so no, this verse does not negate Heb13:17.

“These, then, are the things you should teach. Exhort and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.” Titus 2:15

People could not disregard Titus, he had all Authority of the Apostles, and needed to be respected as if it were an Apostle teaching or rebuking them.
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