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  1. atpollard

    Could use your thoughts on this.....

    What I observe is that EVERY person listening to Jesus over the age of about 10 KNEW the first 5 books (like by memory) while most in Church today would struggle to just name them in the correct order. So when Jesus responds to “what is the Greatest Commandment”, almost all Christians are...
  2. atpollard

    Israel plans on giving Gaza to the US

    We don’t actually NEED the Panama Canal. It isn’t big enough for modern ships and I heard a better plan to cut a new canal along the southern US/Mexico Border and stock it with alligators from the Florida Everglades. Fix the “large Ship” and Southern Border issues at the same time. ;)
  3. atpollard

    Israel plans on giving Gaza to the US

    I suppose we don’t need Canada and Greenland either! ;)
  4. atpollard

    Israel plans on giving Gaza to the US

    As long as we send all the people to the West Bank … then we can make Gaza a US territory like Guam. :) [I read horizontal drilling for OIL has gotten far more advanced. ]:Cool
  5. atpollard

    An Even Closer Look at God’s Election

    Note, it was GOD that made the choice to spare (technically, a few rather than many). That is the whole point of Reformed theology … GOD does the choosing! I cannot speak for him, but THIS Particular Baptist believes no such thing about my Arminian brothers and sisters in Christ. I merely...
  6. atpollard

    Could use your thoughts on this.....

    We are Christians. For us, EVERYTHING points to Christ. So for Exodus and the Tabernacle, either: Brush over it as just a contrast of the LAW vs GRACE, or Focus on the symbolism and lessons for Christ and the Church.
  7. atpollard


    My strength is philosophy rather than theology (or Koine Greek). Are there Truths (capital T indicating an absolute Truth rather than a personal truth) that can be “known” or “believed” at some point, but once known … as the saying goes, “you can’t un-ring the bell”? For example, there was a...
  8. atpollard

    Divorce and remarriage

    Technically, wasn’t the penalty for adultery “stoning”? So, the husband of a wife caught in adultery does not NEED a divorce, he would legitimately be a WIDOWER under the law. It is always a dangerous thing to treat THEN as if it was NOW. Cultural context matters when attempting to understand...
  9. atpollard

    First time this has happened to me in thirty five years of preaching...

    I wonder if she had considered the Methodist Church ... I bet they don't preach about Stephen and hardship. ;)
  10. atpollard

    Will the US control the Gaza Strip?

    I certainly hope not. The UN is pushing a 2-state solution, so the UN should rush into GAZA and restore PEACE and ORDER and INFRASTRUCTURE. Israel has accepted a two-state solution EVERY TIME it was offered. Israel just wants the missiles from Gaza to stop firing at communities in Israel...
  11. atpollard

    United Methodists are now apostate

    "She writes that she wants to use her privilege to benefit others — noting that the church still has more work to do to ensure LGBTQ+ people are truly safe and welcome." Perhaps she needs to start a PETITION for GOD. I wonder how many signatures it takes to convince the HOLY SPIRIT to raise up...
  12. atpollard

    How Do Creationists Explain 50,000 Year Carbon Dates?

    I don't. (I also cannot explain how Light can behave as a Particle and a Wave or how quantum objects can have more than two states [both YES and NO at the some time] - like Schrödinger's poor cat. Amicable divorces. Child abuse. The list of things that I cannot explain is VAST.) How do...
  13. atpollard

    The Danger of the Denial of the Pre-Trib Translation (Rapture) of the Church of Jesus Christ

    I don't think that is as significant as you are making it. Is that not merely the same acknowledgement as Ephesians 2:1-10 where it starts out acknowledging we begin in sin before our spiritual "made alive" by God? Nobody starts the race "born saved" with righteousness already theirs to lose...
  14. atpollard


    OK. I am always up for reading scripture! Matthew 18:6 [KJV] But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and [that] he were drowned in the depth of the sea. [requested change] But whoso shall offend...
  15. atpollard

    The Danger of the Denial of the Pre-Trib Translation (Rapture) of the Church of Jesus Christ

    Right or wrong in the argument, that is an incredible list that provikes one to stop and think! Thank you for that. [I'm still chewing the information over.] ;)
  16. atpollard

    The Danger of the Denial of the Pre-Trib Translation (Rapture) of the Church of Jesus Christ

    I am just skeptical that it comes before a Tribulation, a 1000 year literal kingdom and a second return for an epic battle followed by the destruction of everything. It is the "Pre-Trib" more than the "Rapture" that I am concerned that people may not be handling scripture correctly. [Not that I...
  17. atpollard

    The written word of God teaches faith precedes regeneration.

    Here is a passage that talks about REGENERATION: Titus 3:3-7 [NASB] For we also once were foolish ourselves, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts and pleasures, spending our life in malice and envy, hateful, hating one another. But when the kindness of God our Savior and [His] love...
  18. atpollard

    Some Scripture More Inspired Than Others?

    :) And where does SCRIPTURE affirm "verbal plenary inspiration" of Titus 3:15 and Ephesians 2:8-9? ;)
  19. atpollard

    Some Scripture More Inspired Than Others?

    Yes ... and then again, no. While anecdotes are of limited value, when discussing such matters as soteriology and the role of Scripture, an aggregation of anecdotes is all we really have, therefore: I heard the GOSPEL as a child during the twenty Easter and Christmas services I was forved to...
  20. atpollard

    Some Scripture More Inspired Than Others?

    I think that there is probably some merit in the concept that the Holy Spirit placed a heavier "thumb on the scale" to inspire some verses than other verses ... just because of the nature of the information being conveyed. Titus 3:15 [NIV] Everyone with me sends you greetings. Greet those who...