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Search results

  1. atpollard

    Ukraine War

    I am underwhelmed every time Donald kisses the ring of a despot. I am doubly underwhelmed that he blames Ukraine for being invaded by Russia. By that same logic, we would have peace in the Middle East if only the Jewish people would agree to die like the Palestinians keep asking. Fortunately...
  2. atpollard

    What Identifies A Christian As A Baptist?

    A REAL Baptist … who saves the fighting for IMPORTANT matters like Church donnybrooks over whether a REAL BAPTIST only sings songs written before 1900 or only sings songs currently found on the JOYFM Radio Playlist! ;)
  3. atpollard

    The Thousand Year Reign of Christ on the Earth

    Therein lies the rub … are Revelation 1-19 explicit? If not, then what metric “rightly divides” explicit from non-explicit?
  4. atpollard

    Who first laid claim to the term 'Baptist"?

    I thought about the early Baptists in the UK, but thought trepidation over Anglicans might have made them slower to embrace the term than Baptists in America ... nothing like an OCEAN between you and those that might want to attack you to make one bolder. ;)
  5. atpollard

    Who first laid claim to the term 'Baptist"?

    At this point, I think he will need to restrict his search to ENGLISH since on a pendantic level any pre-English BAPTIST will be in another language and for that reason not be an exact match to "Baptist" used on a Church Sign and stationary (the stated goal). My money in on Rhode Island after...
  6. atpollard

    Marriage Guidelines for a pastor

    I’ll start with the low hanging fruit: Marry an unmarried MAN and an unmarried WOMAN (Let’s cross “same sex union” and ”polygamy” off the list).
  7. atpollard

    Israel plans on giving Gaza to the US

    How do you feel about Prince Harry? I have a plan to elect Megan Markel President, call for a constitutional convention and re-establish the Monarchy as a Divine Right Monarchy under King Harry and Queen Megan (why waste two perfectly good nobles when we have them living right here). Then we...
  8. atpollard

    Who first laid claim to the term 'Baptist"?

    Here is a reference to OTHERS calling the re-baptizes “Baptists” in 1524 (which makes the origin of the term in the 1400’s not implausible): Cardinal Hosius (Catholic,A.D.1524), President of the Council of Trent: "Were it not that the Baptists have been grievously tormented and cut off with the...
  9. atpollard

    Who first laid claim to the term 'Baptist"?

    What about Rhode Island? I know the state was founded by a Baptist Minister and championed the cause of religious tolerance when other colonies were establishing official State Churches. Its Baptist Church and Jewish Synogige go back to the 1600’s if I remember correctly. You could research...
  10. atpollard

    Apostle Peter's tomb controversy.

    A perfect match! (sorry, I couldn’t resist) :)
  11. atpollard

    Who first laid claim to the term 'Baptist"?

    The History of Baptist Churches - The Trail of Blood
  12. atpollard

    Who first laid claim to the term 'Baptist"?

    According to Charles W. Lyons: ”Baptists are not self-named. Our persecutors began using this label in derision beginning in the 1400’s.”
  13. atpollard

    Who first laid claim to the term 'Baptist"?

    Was Thomas Helwys a church? Was John Spilsbury a church? (The OP specifically asked about them). How about THIS: Acts 19:1-7 [NIV] While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus. There he found some disciples and asked them, "Did you receive the...
  14. atpollard

    Ready To Harvest video - Origins of Christian Denominations

    Since we seem to have jumped the shark, I thought that I would return to the OP. Great video. It was worth the wait to get to the end (I found the beginning a little slow). I had also noticed some branching that I viewed as odd given a little knowledge of how some groups started. I always...
  15. atpollard

    Who first laid claim to the term 'Baptist"?

    John in the Gospels was the first to lay claim to the term. ;) (Ironically, he was also the first to break from the TEMPLE tradition of Paedo-circumcision and stress the need for Credobaptism as the cornerstone of the Kingdom. His cousin, Jesus, seems to have agreed in His conversation with...
  16. atpollard

    I do not permit a woman to teach...

    The ban on women teaching cannot be universal (all women at all times and all situations and all things) since the same Bible COMMANDS: “Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to...
  17. atpollard

    Remarriage after multiple divorces

    I cannot answer with true wisdom, because there is too much that is unknowable to me, however, the thought that occurs to me is that you may have a WOLF preying on your flock as scripture describes it. The few actions he has done that you described to not scream “fruit of the Spirit”, so one...
  18. atpollard

    The Heresy of Cessaitionism

    I am a contunuationist, but I find it offensive to call other CHRISTIANS "heretics" over THIS issue! Which ECUMENICAL CREED defining ORTHODOXY have they rejected? What scripture are they denying that is so egregious that we cannot believe that they are saved and must separate from them as we...
  19. atpollard

    Jesus Miracles

    Doesn't it almost seem like "BOTH". I mean, he did things that He fully expected others should have been able to do as well (he rebuked their lack of faith when he calmed the storm). On the other hand, he did things that no HUMAN BEING could have been expected to do or had ever done before...
  20. atpollard

    An Even Closer Look at God’s Election

    When Jesus was "lifted up" in thirty-something AD, were all the Aztec and Mayan people [performing human sacrifice to the winged snake god they worshiped] immediately drawn to Jesus (even though the Gospel did not reach them for another almost 1500 years). Is it more likely that Jesus was...