Just as their are innumerable Christians who have read the 'truths' of doctrine, yet we have disagreement. That is why we call men responsible...they are able to respond freely to the revelation they have been given.There are innumerable folks who have read the Scriptures. They remain unsaved.
Because, the gospel ENABLES a respond, it doesn't do the responding. The person is response-able for that, not the revelation. We shouldn't put blame on the revelation for man's choice to 'trade clearly revealed truth for lies.'How, if one accepts that it is the gospel alone that awakens a person to belief, these not automatically saved?
And whose fault is that? God's? Did He fail to enable them? Matt. 23:37 and Rom 10:21 teach that God 'longed to gather them' and 'held out his hands to them all day long' but they chose to rebel. Scripture teaches that God is patient with them....but if what you believe is true what does God have to wait on? Himself?They certainly had the means? Did not multitudes even Scholarly schooled in the Scriptures hear from the very Lord Jesus Christ and not actually hear?
Do you mean a GREATER work of the Holy Spirit than what was already provided in sending Christ, the apostles, the inspired scripture, his Holy Spirit and his Bride?In effect, did they not need the work of the Holy Spirit?
I agree. The Holy Spirit, like the Father, works through means. I believe those means are the Holy Spirit inspired words of scripture, the indwelling of messengers, the perseverance and continued proclamation of these inspired truths throughout the world. Anything the gospel accomplishes should be credited to the Holy Spirit, it is after all HIS WORK.Jesus presents the answer when talking to Nicodemus. The Spirit goes about and no one knows were it has been or where it is going. It is rather self evident that the Holy Spirit is at work when humankind don't even recognize it is at work and (IMO) often folks assign some human ability as a result of what the Holy Spirit has already awakened.
Whoa, think about what you just said...that is like saying the work of the Holy Spirit doesn't have to wait on the work of the Holy Spirit. Now, I agree that the Spirit can work in other ways and very possibly prior to the coming of the gospel, but I'd just be careful not to imply that the gospel itself is not a work of the HS.The work of the Holy Spirit does not have to wait on the Gospel
We agree on these points, and indeed there may very well be other ways God softens the hearts of people. For example, he apparently uses envy to provoke the hearts of the hardened Jews (Rm 11:14). We just don't believe these means are irresistible and only for a preselect few.Therefore, the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1). No doubt. The presentation of Christ is essential for "there is no other name given by which we must be saved" (Acts 4).