So let's see what Calvin says about this.
We see Calvin on this subject. What does he say about our believing?
1 John 5:1 Calvin
Whosoever believeth He confirms by another reason, that faith and brotherly love are united; for since God regenerates us by faith he must necessarily be loved by us as a Father; and this love embraces all his children. Then faith cannot be separated from love.
The first truth is, that all born of God, believe that Jesus is the Christ; where, again, you see that
Christ alone is set forth as the object of faith, as in him it finds righteousness, life, and every blessing that can be desired, and God in all that he is. (89)
Hence the only true way of believing is when we direct our minds to him. Besides,
to believe that he is the Christ, is to hope from him all those things which have been promised as to the Messiah
Nor is the title,
Christ, given him here without reason, for it designates the office to which he was appointed by the Father. As, under the Law, the full restoration of all things, righteousness and happiness, were promised through the Messiah; so at this day the whole of this is more clearly set forth in the gospel. Then Jesus cannot be received as Christ, except salvation be sought from him, since for this end he was sent by the Father, and is daily offered to us.
the Apostle declares that all they who really believe have been born of God; for faith is far above the reach of the human mind, so that
we must be drawn to Christ by our heavenly Father; for not any of us can ascend to him by his own strength. And this is what the Apostle teaches us in his Gospel, when he says, that
those who believe in the name of the only-begotten, were not born of blood nor of the flesh. (
John 1:13.) And Paul says, that we are endued,
not with the spirit of this world, but with the Spirit that is from God, that we may know the things given us by him. (
1 Corinthians 2:12.) For eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor the mind conceived, the reward laid up for those who love God; but the Spirit alone penetrates into this mystery. And further, as Christ is given to us for sanctification, and brings with it the Spirit of regeneration, in short, as he unites us to his own body, it is also another reason why no one can have faith, except he is born of God.
Loveth him also that is begotten of him Augustine and some others of the ancients have applied this to Christ, but not correctly. For though the Apostle uses the singular number, yet he includes all the faithful; and the context plainly shows that his purpose was no other than to trace up brotherly love to faith as its fountain. It is, indeed, an argument drawn from the common course of nature; but what is seen among men is transferred to God. (90)
But we must observe, that the Apostle does not so speak of the faithful only, and pass by those who are without, as though the former are alone to be loved, and no care and no account to be had for the latter; but he teaches us as it were by this first exercise to love all without exception, when he bids us to make a beginning with the godly. (91)
Every one who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been begotten by God; and every one who loves the begetter loves also the begotten by him.” —
Verse 5
Who is he that overcometh the world This is a reason for the previous sentence; that is,
we conquer by faith, because we derive strength from Christ; as Paul also says,
“I can do all things through him that strengtheneth me,”
Philippians 4:13.)
He only then can conquer Satan and the world, and not succumb to his own flesh, who, diffident as to himself, recumbs on Christ’s power alone.
For by faith he means a real apprehension of Christ, or an effectual laying hold on him, by which we apply his power to ourselves."
Notice what Calvin said:
"The first truth is, that all born of God, believe that Jesus is the Christ; where, again, you see that
Christ alone is set forth as the object of faith, as in him it finds righteousness, life, and every blessing that can be desired, and God in all that he is. (89)
Hence the only true way of believing is when we direct our minds to him. Besides,
to believe that he is the Christ, is to hope from him all those things which have been promised as to the Messiah."
He said we must direct our minds to him in order to believe. But does he contradict this statement when he says: "And further, as Christ is given to us for sanctification, and brings with it the Spirit of regeneration, in short, as he unites us to his own body, it is also another reason why no one can have faith, except he is born of God." Here it could be taken that he is saying God gives Fatih, but look closer he says first, "
The first truth is, that all born of God, believe that Jesus is the Christ;" to be born of God we first had to believe we had to make Christ alone the focus of our Faith, He didn't say God had to focus us with Faith but that we must direct our minds to him. So when he says "And further, as Christ is given to us for sanctification, and brings with it the Spirit of regeneration, in short, as he unites us to his own body, it is also another reason why no one can have faith, except he is born of God." There is no contradiction, we receive all this when we believe when we direct our minds upon Christ in Faith. Then for verse 5 Calvin states: "5Who is he that overcometh the world This is a reason for the previous sentence; that is, we conquer by faith, because we derive strength from Christ;" after Faith we obtain strength from our being born of God. Therefore, Love for brethren,we produce righteous works not fleshly righteousness bu works as lead by the Holy Spirit, Being Born of God we love God. How are we Born of God, by believing that by directing our minds upon Him, as Calvin makes clear.