Well-Known Member
I will address the bolded statements.
First, #2. God doesn't give humans the option to save themselves. Why? Because humans always choose rebellion against God in favor of being their own ruler. All we have to do is watch our children work hard to be rulers in the family. This is the same thing all humans do to God. Note that God tells us that he only disciplines his children (Hebrews 12) not illegitimate children. Ephesians 1 and Romans 8 tell us that God chooses to adopt his children. God never says that he waits for humans to choose him.
Second, the ability to have faith is precisely because God chose them. Note that in Ephesians 2 and Romans 9 that choice is done while we were still dead in sin. Therefore we didn't choose God.
Third, re-read the story of Noah. God chose Noah. Noah didn't choose God. God saved Noah by choosing him. Noah was given faith to believe an unbelievable truth, that God would destroy the world and Noah would be spared by building a boat.
Silverhair, you are very adept and praising humans while downplaying God. Are you even aware how humanist you are?
Are you even aware of how anti bible you are? I doubt it as you are stuck in your determinism. The last thing that you want is for the truth to shine through into your life as that would require you to actually trust what the bible says.
The truth will set you free and I do hope that you will find it.