The Supreme Court was designed to be an institution representing both the constitution as well as reflecting the will of the people. There are significant nuances in the law allowing for different interpretations. The court needs to look at issues from various perspectives not one. Therefore unless the case is simple and the answer clear it's good that the court's decisions are rarely unanimous. Why do I not support a president who says he wants to make America great again? First of all he tells so many lies it's almost impossible to understand rationally what his real position is. Secondly, the question is make America great again for whom? Donald Trump and his billionaire friends? America as an ally of Russia to seize control over the world? It's certainly not looking like he wants to make America great again for the poor mining families in Eastern Kentucky. He wants to take away their health insurance under the ACA and start cutting Medicare and Medicaid. Eventually Social Security will be on the chopping block. He doesn't want to make America great again by improving public schools, by helping the needy, or improving the environment. He wants to take away the things that the needy desperately need and cut taxes on the rich. He also wants to increase our already bloated military budget. (We already spend as much as the next 8 countries in the world COMBINED!!!) None of these sound like a plan to really make America great again. They sound like a plan to destroy my country.The Supreme Court ~ Designed to be the Supreme, Ultimate decider of a case BASED ON LAW.
Funny how it has become the Supreme Court, based on personal INTERESTS of those seated, don't you think?
Seems if "that" Court has whites, blacks, men, women, homosexuals, Liberals, Democrat, Republican, Communist, or whatever "tag", WE the People can be SURE, the LAW is secondary to PERSONAL opinions of "that" Court. "IF" is wasn't, "THEN" based solely on the "LAW", all "regardless" of their "personal" opinions, they "ALL" would have a "unanimous" conclusion, which statistically is "less" than 50% of the time. So, what does such a "low" unanimous decision tell you?
That the LAW itself is obscure and should be repealed?
That decisions are "based" on personal opinions and not based on the LAW?
Either way, How is a COURT, designed to be Supreme, actually Supreme when it stands against itself?
According to Scripture ~
Mark 3
[25] And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
You rally against a man who says America's goal should be to make America Great Again.
Since that does not seem to be "your" favor, What do you think? Do you like American division and do not want unity?