Explain to me, relative to God's relationship with man, what effect did the physical death of Christ have on the spiritual death of Adam?
Animals die too! But animals are not made in the image of God. That "image" is INVISIBLE as Paul tells the Colossians that Jesus was in the image of the "invisible" God. What aspect of man is INVISIBLE but different than the component aspects of animals? Answer: He has a "spirit" in addition to a "soul" and that "spirit" came directly from God as God "breathed" (Heb. inspirited) into Adam's nostrils the "breath" (spirits) of life.
1. Spirit provides man other world/spirit world consciousness
2. Soul provides man with self consciousness
3. Body provides man with outer world consciousness
Animals have self-consciousness and outer world consciousness but they have no spirit world consciousness. You will never see an animal pray or hold a worship service with fellow "brethren" animals.
The spirit of man was created in direct connection (spiritual union) and communion with God who is spirit. God is LIFE, and God IS light; and God IS love and God IS holy. God is the spiritual source for all these communicable attributes. Sin separates God who is SPIRIT from man's spirit which is where God communes with man making worship possible (Jn. 4:22-24).
Death IS Separation from the life of God, from the light of God, from the love of God and from the holiness of God all of which have their sustaining source IN God.
God did not say "dying ye shall surely die" but he said "IN THE DAY" they ate "dying they shall surely die" meaning death had its beginning point "IN THE DAY" they sinned because it separated them from God producing in them spiritual death, darkness, enmity and depravity. All men die in Adam and you are not different then Adam with regard to sin and its effects. There are not two different kinds of sin problems but only one and that is described clearly in both the Old and New Testaments.
Is spiritual death a greater and more powerful death than physical death?
If God had not prevented FALLEN Adam from eating of the tree of life he would have not physically died and the horror of that is that an inner spiritually dead person would be forever housed in an immortal body.
Adam lived 930 years and he died. Adam is still dead. dying Adam died, just exactly like God had told him.
No, a thousand times Nooooooooo! Read and then carefully study Hebrews 11:4 and ask yourself one question, "was it a righteous Abel who offered up a sacrifice or was it an unrighteous Abel who offered up a sacrifice to become righteous"? Then ask youself what is the theme of Hebrews 11? Faith right? Abel was justified by faith PRIOR TO making that offering as that offering pictured the object of His faith - the promised Savior of Genesis 3:15 and thus the lamb of God slain "from the foundation of the world."
Adam, Eve, Abel and all those who received the same and only gospel of the prophets (Acts 10:43) are in heaven today BUT THEIR BODIES REMAIN IN THE GROUND. Why? Because BEFORE THE CROSS, BEFORE THE RESURRECTION Jesus not only demanded new birth (Jn. 3:3-11; Ezek.44:7-9) but said "And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?" Note, he described their present state "liveth" and "believeth" but they "shall NEVER die" even though their bodies does die! 1 Cor. 15 has to do with the "corruptible" body that lies in the grave or the unglorified bodies still living when Christ returns.
I think a great question is, why three days? Why not 2 or 1 or 6, why three? And no I do not know that either.
I think it has something to do with, death being cleansed, on the third gay, by washing of regeneration and renewing of Spirit Holy.
Three days and three nights in the SEALED tomb is an proof he actually died. It is not how long he stayed in the grave that saves anyone, but that on the cross the MAN, the HUMAN SPIRIT was separated from God and he physically died thus paying the sin debt in our behalf. It was his DIVINITY that gave eternal value for his death. the resurrection proved the penalty of death was fully paid or else no resurrection could be possible.
The saving application of his promised death and resurrection was applied by faith to all pre-cross saints not according to the "old" or "new" covenants but according to "the blood of the everlasting covenant" (Heb. 13:20) according to His eternal purpose of grace according to election.