I have conceded, thanks to JoJ's interpretation of the Greek, that it can be translated either as passive or middle verb. This is only my opinion, but a passive translation makes the most sense when you take scripture as a whole. I think that's the reason why the majority of mainstream translations render it as "appointed" instead of "disposed".
This is Gill's stuff that I began to 're-state' for us modern readers, but Rye already got the fine points Gill makes!
Excellent O.P., Rye, and your reply posts all make a Baptist proud. Thank you, very much!
"and as many as were Ordained unto Eternal Life believed";
Adapted from
Faith is not the Cause of the Decree of Eternal Life,
Faith is not a Condition of the Decree of Eternal Life,
"but Faith a means Sixed in the Decree of Eternal Life,
that God has Placed as the Component by which God Relates the Decree of Eternal Life to an individual's soul,
in other words, God Communicates The Decree of Eternal Life,
by Granting the individual soul Repentance
and by Giving them Faith to Believe and Trust in the Message of Jesus' Accomplishment of the Gospel, by His death, burial, and resurrection.
and so, Faith is a fruit and effect of the Decree of Eternal Life,
and Faith is certainly what follows unto the Decree of Eternal Life, as in these Gentiles:
some would have the words rendered,
"as many as were disposed unto Eternal Life believed";
which is not countenanced by the ancient versions.
"The Arabic renders it as we do, and the Syriac thus, "as many as were put, or appointed unto Eternal Life";
and the Vulgate Latin version, "as many as were pre-ordained".
Moreover, the phrase of being
"disposed unto", or
"for Eternal Life", is a very unusual, if not a very improper, and an inaccurate one;
men are said to be disposed to an habit, or to an act, as to vice or virtue, but not to reward or punishment, as to Heaven or Hell;
nor does it appear that these Gentiles had any good dispositions to Eternal Life, antecedent to their believing;
for though they are said,
Acts 13:42 to entreat the apostles to preach the same things to them the next sabbath,
yet the words as there observed, according to their natural order, may be rendered "they", i.e. the apostles, "besought the Gentiles";
and in some copies and versions, the "Gentiles" are not mentioned at all:
and as for their being "glad", and "glorifying the word of the Lord", it is not evident that this was before their believing;
and if it was,
such things have been found in persons, who have had no true, real, and inward dispositions to spiritual things,
as in many of our Lord's hearers; besides, admitting that there are, in some, good
dispositions to Eternal life, Previous to Faith,
and that 'desiring' Eternal Life, and seeking after it, be accounted such, yet these may be where Faith does not follow;
as in the young rich ruler, that came to Christ with such an inquiry, and went away sorrowful:
as many therefore as are so disposed, do not always believe, Faith does not always follow such 'dispositions';
and after all, one would have thought that the Jews themselves, who were externally religious, and were looking for the Messiah,
and especially the devout and able women, were
more disposed unto Eternal Life, than the ignorant and idolatrous Gentiles;
and yet the Gentiles believed, and Jews did not believe: it follows then, that the Gentiles' Faith
did not arise from previous dispositions to Eternal Life, but was the fruit and effect of Divine Ordination unto Eternal Life;
and the word here used, in various places in the book of Acts, signifies determination and appointment, and not disposition of mind;
Acts 15:2 The phrase is the same with that used by the Jews, ,
"who are ordained to eternal life" (y); and , "everyone that is written to eternal life"; (z) i.e. in the book of life; and designs no other than
Predestination or Election, which is God's Act, and is an Eternal Act;
Predestination or Election, is God's Act whereby God Ordains souls to Eternal Life
as a Sovereign Activity of God, irrespective, and unconditional;
God's Sovereign Activity in Ordaining souls to Eternal Life, relates to particular persons, and is Sure and Certain to Effect Salvation:
God's Sovereign Activity in Ordaining souls to Eternal Life is a Genuine Ordination, not to an office,
nor is God's Sovereign Activity in Ordaining souls to Eternal Life an 'ordination' to the means of grace,
but God's Sovereign Activity in Ordaining souls to Eternal Life is God's Genuine and Spiritual Ordination to Grace and Glory itself;
God's Genuine and Spiritual Ordination is to a Life of Grace which is Eternal, and to a Life of Glory which is Forever;
God's Genuine and Spiritual Ordination is to Eternal Life which is a Pure Gift of God,
that is in the Hands of Christ, and to which His Righteousness Gives a Title:
and as a Pure Gift of God, in the Hands of Christ, God's Genuine and Spiritual Ordination to Eternal Life
show that being Ordained to Eternal Life is a Blessing of an Early Date by The Ancient of Days, in Eternity Past
and shows the Great Love of God to the persons Ordained to what? ETERNAL LIFE;
and shows the Certainty of those enjoying ETENAL LIFE.
"and as many as were Ordained unto Eternal Life believed".
But let's say for a moment that it should be middle. At best, that only leaves the verse as an ambiguous statement.
It's still quite a stretch to say that they were appointed to eternal life based on their act of doing something first, such as coming to a mutual agreement.
Especially, after seeing a fresh study of a Miraculously Marvelous and Wonderful Doctrine like God having Ordained souls unto Eternal Life,
I wonder if those who insist on always making giant leaps and stretches aimed at simply admitting they don't believe the Bible,
understand that is exactly what Jesus was talking about, when He Prayed to God the Father and said,
"I Thank Thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth,
because Thou Hast Hid These Things from the wise and prudent,
and Hast Revealed them unto babes."