New Member
God is saying that He will make a new covenant with those Jews who come to trust in Him as their savior. Because they have trusted in Him He can be merciful to them
^^^ the direct quote from you that I criticized. I did in no wise disagree with or criticize the Holy Scriptures, the word of God. God forbid.
YOUR words which I above quoted for the second time just created a weak, ineffectual God who can't save. An idol at best, it's a God without power.
First issue I have is that you gave your explanation equal weight with God's own words when you said "God says" And then followed it with your own words and not God's. That's presenting a lie.
God is merciul, there's no "if", "when" or "because". God is not impaired from showing mercy until a person does something, God is simply merciful to those He shows mercy to:
"But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ — by grace you have been saved — and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus ... For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, Ephesians 2:4-8
This is very definite. This is not like as you said: " God was able to extend mercy to us because we trusted Him"
There's a HUGE difference in language between what you said and what the Bible says in regard to God's Mercy. Night and day.
You just made salvation a wage, we do this so God will do that. But that's not the New Covenant in Christ's blood and Christ is quite clear we are not wage earners in Matthew 20:1-16
Christ died to save His people. Not to hopefully maybe save if people decide they really like Him enough..... His blood saved, past tense and in the definitive and we know this because of the Ressurection. It is indeed finished.
If your God requires x, y, and z in order to to save you he's not a God. God either CAN save, or he's at the mercy of mankind to save themselves and His blood accounted for nothing. Your presenting the later.
If you want to lead people to Christ you need to first have a God that's not impotent.
My God is not an impotent God. My God, being rich in Mercy, reached down from heaven and saved me and gave me the gift of eternal life. I believed in His name because He gave me the gift of faith.
As far as the Bible verses you quoted from Jeremiah, I agree with them. That's the Covenant I'm under, I live it daily so I'm pretty solid on what it says.
It also presented not one indefinite article. God takes us, and saves us. Period. There's no exchange shown.
Yes believers are regenerated/born again after they respond to the Gospel in faith not before.
Disagree. The Bible clearly shows regeneration prior to being saved.
Not philosophy just reading what the text says.
Clearly you're not.