Nolan Stengel
The election of God and the free will of man are divine mysteries, truths we cannot reconcile in our finite minds. Though God is sovereign and He has elected that we should be in Christ before the foundation of the earth, God has also ordained for us to exercise the free choice He has given us.
This remains a mystery, unsolved by the theologians all through the centuries. Men line up on one side and men line up on the other, but both sides are correct. That's why the argument has never been resolved. God is sovereign; and "as many as were appointed or ordained to eternal life believed." But their belief was always a matter of choice.
- Pastor Chuck Smith
This remains a mystery, unsolved by the theologians all through the centuries. Men line up on one side and men line up on the other, but both sides are correct. That's why the argument has never been resolved. God is sovereign; and "as many as were appointed or ordained to eternal life believed." But their belief was always a matter of choice.
- Pastor Chuck Smith