Ok...let's see...Sunday Mass...there's the first reading from the OT, the Psalm response, the second reading, usually from the Epistles then there's the gospel...then the priest talks for 5-10 minutes about something...then there's the declaration of faith, Holy, Holy, part 1 of the Eucharistic prayer (one of 4), the Kyrie, the rest of the Eucharistic prayer, Angus Dei, Pater Noster, kiss of peace, receive communion, sit and "pray", another quickie prayer and dismissal. So...where is that in the bible? Where is the order of the Mass in the bible? Where is the idea that Jesus is "truly present" in a little piece of bread? (yeah, yeah, John 6 but it doesn't make any sense when taken in context), Where is the idea of confessing to a priest? Doesn't the bible say to confess to ONE ANOTHER not just some guy who knows jack about jack when it comes to the real world?
Yeah...no. I was taught by nuns and priests...and once I opened my eyes and read THE BIBLE instead of all the stupid catechism books, I realized I had been duped.
Now...you are not doing a great job of representing the RCC to me or anyone else here since you seem to feel the need to be abrasive, condescending and very ignorant about the other side of the discussion. Have a great day...I am done with you and will pray that the Lord opens your eyes to the false religion you have been sucked into.
Its right there on the same page it says the BIBLE is the FINAL AND ONLY RULE OF AUTHORITY.
You can prob show us where in the bible it says to use rings and how a marriage is done.
You can show us what page gives the list of what books belong in the bible.
What sort of an idiot says ok well this faith is trash, what they teach is trash, all these weird rituals they do is trash, BUT HOLD ON.......This book they parade into the mass, which these crazy folks picked out for me, This book is totally right!
Instead of being lazy give us the logic you arrive to 66 books in the bible. You depend on someone else to pick those books FOR YOU.
Lets say your atheist, Ok whats this christian thing going on. How you go about starting. The minute you have to ask anyone or anyone puts a book in your hand, THATS the boss, thats the authority.
You know get your own book. There is a reason the Cat in the Hat is not part of the bible. Do you know why?
Did it fall out the sky, even if it did then the sky is the authority.
John 6 why did the disciples leave? You go a chapter before he made HIGHER claims then any "symbolic" claim that could have been made.
John 5
23so that all will honor the Son even as they honor the Father.
He's called himself symbolically vine with branches. Says he's God. Tells folks he will bring them back to life.
He said he is symbolically a door!
BUT HOLD ON! He said he is "symbolically" bread. Oh the shock! Thats the straw that broke the camel's back!
After they stuck with him while he does miracles, claims of divinity, ect, ect.
Oh I'm LIKE BREAD, was the final straw!