No man is free, John 8:30-36. I used to believe man had freewill when asked this, I would answer yes. But then, I had never studied this out. When contemplating my answer and the subject later on I came to a true conclusion. I no longer believe mans will free.
Our culture, and especially within our alleged "free" country this belief (freewill) is facilitated.
There are other erroneous beliefs expedited via culture, systems, ideologies. This though is Satans way to confuse, blind, misinform so we shouldn't be surprised that he uses this (culture/societal influence) to help some on their way to hell, nor that he uses this to penetrate an onslaught against truth through and from inside the church.
Consider the omnis of God under attack, and while doing so, how man, and his abilities are exalted within our culture. Think how, as is typical in universities, colleges, schools, young men and women are told they can do anything they want and become anything they want to become. Sorry, but that is just not true at all. All are equipped differently. But the problem here is that we are so success oriented it drives our culture toward this end and error. Sucecess then becomes mans glory, and not Gods Glory.
We have an exaltation of man, and an degradation of Holy God going on, and hell filled with folks who gained self-esteem.
- Peace