By performing a requirement?
Where I come from, that's called "works".
Performing requirements makes the person who imposed them,
obligated to reward the person for
meeting the requirement.
This takes the gift of eternal life, and turns it into a reward for performance...not a gracious gift bestowed out of no obligation.
Please see my first point in post # 72.
If He wants us to repent, what is stopping Him from getting His will done?
Our will or His will?
If our will, then this makes us stronger than Him.
He is no longer All-powerful and All-mighty.
He is now subservient to men.
Is this situation
declared in Scripture, or simply
I believe it to be assumed.
In the end, assumption is
not good ground to be standing on.
Implication should also
never be trusted,
especially with regard to what His word says.