Here’s a question for you quantum—if its that “simple” why do denominations exist? Why do various theological viewpoints exist? Why does the Bible lead to as much debate among Christians as it does to group harmony? The fact is—various hermeneutical interpretations, original language, historical context, & systematic Scripture (to name but a few things) need to be considered before making such statements as--”well its what the Bible says—so its what it means”. Are there times when it is simple—sure—but it surly is not a study that should be looked at as simplistic—when taken as a whole. Can the Bible be studied by laymen, those who aren’t so called “scholars”, or the “uneducated”—sure it can__ but if your dedicating yourself to understanding the original language, historical context, Scripture systematically, & considering why opposing viewpoints say what they say—your really not uneducated are you & you really fulfill what it means to study to be approved. Not saying someone needs to go to grad school to be an avid student of the Bible—but I am saying they need to consider the complexity of the theological topics of the free will of man (or human responsibility), God’s sovereignty, election, predestination, foreknowledge, what Scriptures Calvinist use to support their doctrines, what Scriptures do Arminians use to support their doctrines, & why soteriology as whole is so hotly debated---before over simplifying the conversation.