It was a very fine question indeed.He cannot answer it,except he invent things as he has. Kyred offered an important verse that DHK again has no valid response to. In time as he reflects on the verses he will see it differently.:thumbs:
I did answer it. You refused my answer. Why? You refuse to look at context.
Talk about cars and you enter the subject of cats. non sequitor.
You have done the same thing here. Totally ridiculous!!
Remember, the discussion we are supposed to be having is about salvation, particularly salvation by faith as related to Lordship salvation.
Here is your "proof text" in context:
1 Corinthians 12:1 Now concerning spiritual
gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.
2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.
3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and
that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.
4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
1. He is speaking to "brethren" the saints of God.
2. He is speaking to them of the "spiritual gifts," not about salvation.
3. He is speaking to them about the abuse of spiritual gifts.
4. In verse 2 he relates them to their pagan past. What happened in their pagan past? They spoke with ecstatic tongues, and they also spoke in tongues not knowing what they were saying. In paganism speaking in tongues is often speaking through a demon (demonism or even demon-possession). Paul reminds them of these practices.
5. He reminds them that their are two kinds of "spirits"--one that will call Jesus Lord, and one that will curse Jesus.
There were some that were speaking in a foreign language cursing the name of Jesus because they were speaking in another language (through a demon) and not knowing what they were saying. They were actually cursing Jesus.
Corinth was a port city where people of many different ethnic backgrounds gathered. Some may have recognized what that person was saying. The complaint may have reached Paul. The point is obviously this: Not everyone that speaks in tongues has the God-given gift of "speaking in tongues." Some were doing it out of the flesh. Some were going back to their pagan past and relying on what they learned in paganism. Perhaps some were not even saved and still in the grips of paganism and speaking through demons.
How were they to tell.
First, as Paul further explains, everyone that spoke in tongues must have an interpreter.
Second, the one speaking must speak in a known language, and what they would say would be judged by the prophets (doctrinally sounnd).
Third, it would be spoken by the Spirit of God testifying that Christ is Lord.
BTW, any unsaved person can say that Christ is Lord. Catholics do it all the time. I used to do it as an unsaved Catholic. It isn't a test of salvation.
You are using the verse out of context.
Notice verse four. He goes on and starts listing the spiritual gifts.
This has nothing to do with salvation. Your "proof text" is just another red herring.