Hi Martin, please try to address the topic. No need to repeatedly question my character or credentials. Such attempts simply show you rely on logical fallacies rather than scripture.
I have addressed the topic. Continually crying foul is wearisome and doesn't help your case.
Christ is the propitiation or means of salvation for the whole world, for the whole of fallen mankind. None of the above diversion even addresses that issue.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat it, it's wrong. A propitiation is not the same as a means of salvation. You are presenting a syllogism that goes
1. Christ is our propitiation.
2. Christ is also our means of salvation (He isn't, but let that pass for the moment).
Conclusion: Propitiation equals means of salvation.
Let's try another syllogism:
1. Rabbits like lettuce.
2. I like lettuce.
Conclusion: I am a rabbit.
Christ is our Saviour. He has propitiated God towards a vast crowd of people that no man can number by means of His sacrificial death. The means of salvation is the New Birth (Titus 3:5
again) which leads to repentance and faith.
When we are placed in Christ, in our propitiatory shelter, we are saved.
Christ is indeed our ark, our city of refuge, our shelter from God's righteous anger (Isaiah 26:20-21). We were given to Him by God before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4-5) and He has redeemed every single one given to Him by the Father (John 6:39 etc.). What you appear to be saying (and please correct me if I'm wrong) is that after Christ has reconciled every single person on the planet to God, after God is propitiated by the blood of Christ,
after that, He still decides to send a whole pile of redeemed sinners to hell! I can't accept that for a moment. Christ
'shall see the labour of His soul and be satisfied' (Isaiah 53:11). How could He be satisfied if millions for whom He suffered and died will not be with Him in heaven? How could He say,
"It is finished!" if His work were still subject to the Father's overruling? On the Last Day, will He say,
"Here am I and some of the children God has given Me"?
Again folks, please read 1 John 2:2. Christ is the propitiation for the sins of the whole world.
That is not what the text says. It says He is the propitiation for the whole world. You have not proved that 'the whole world' means 'all the people in the whole world.'
When we are placed spiritually in Christ, and undergo the circumcision of Christ, our sins are propitiated, set aside, forgiven, made null and void, eliminated and so forth and so on!!!
For crying out loud! Our sins do not need to be propitiated.
God needs to be propitiated, and then the sins of those towards who He is propitiated are set aside, forgiven etc.
Simply repeating the same thing does not make it so!
God is not propitiated toward all mankind
Amen again! :thumbs:
nor told all those supposed elected before creation.
This makes no sense.
To repeat for the umpteeth time, "only those God places in Christ" are propitiated. Try addressing that view!!
I hope I have done so above. For the umpteenth time, sinners do not need to be propitiated, God does!
Look, if a man has offended his wife and forfeited her wifely smiles and favours, he goes off and buys her a bunch of flowers and a box of chocs. That is what a propitiation is- a sacrifice that turns away wrath.
'And in that day you will say, "O LORD, I will praise you; though you were angry with me, Your anger is turned away, and You comfort Me"' (Isaiah 12:1). What day is that? The day of Jesus Christ (11:10). Christ is the Mediator between sinful men and an outraged God (1 Tim. 2:5). He reconciles them by paying the penalty due for their sins. God's outraged justice is
propitiated by the sufferings of Christ. Sinners do not need to be propitiated, sins to not need to be propitiated;
God needs to be propitiated.
Now the guy who buys the flowers and chocs doesn't know if his wife is going to be propitiated. She might say, "Don't think you're going to get round me like that!" She might hold out for a slap-up meal in a fancy restaurant. But we know that God is propitiated by the death of Christ, because He
'set [Him] forth as a propitiation..... to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.'
'Payment God will not twice demand;
once at my bleeding Surety's hand,
And then again from me.'