No one believes in Jesus unless drawn by the Father, and no one believes in Jesus unless allowed by the Father.
This is exactly what Calvinists believe!!!!!
"All that the Father gives me will come unto me..."
Van, have you become a Calvinist?????
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No one believes in Jesus unless drawn by the Father, and no one believes in Jesus unless allowed by the Father.
Hi Agedman, no I believe the TULI are mistaken views. As you well know, you or at least Calvinism, defines "drawn" to mean compelled irresistible, but I agree with the lexicons which indicate the word is used metaphorically to mean attracted but not compelled.
Likewise, I believe God prevents those of His choosing from coming to the Lord by hardening their hearts, i.e. Romans 11, but most folks, i.e. soils 2, 3 and 4 are able to seek God and trust in Christ because God has not prevented them from seeking God.
Finally, Agedman, I am as always a one point Calvinist, once saved always saved.![]()
???Likewise, I believe God prevents those of His choosing from coming to the Lord by hardening their hearts,
OSAS is but a weak semblance of the fifth point.I am as always a one point Calvinist, once saved always saved.![]()
No?Martin, there is nothing more that I can say. You have not refuted any of the biblical positions I have presented.
1. There is no reference to Christ in 2 Peter 2:1. The natural referent to despotes is God the Father (Luke 2:29; Acts 4:24; cf. Deut. 32:6).1) Christ died for all mankind, 2 Peter 2:1
On the contrary, God chose His elect 'from the beginning' (cf. Eph. 1:4-5) for salvation first by the sanctifying work of the Spirit (NIV), andthen through faith that the Spirit gives. It's a bit naughty to leave out inconvenient bits of Scripture.2) God chooses individuals for salvation through faith in the truth, thus a conditional election, 2 Thessalonians 2:13
Christ is indeed the propitiation for the whole world, but nowhere is He described as the 'means of salvation' for anyone, let alone the whole world. If 'the whole world' means 'all mankind' in 1 John 2:2 then Christ is the propitiation for all mankind, the Father is propitiated toward all mankind and you and I know that isn't so.3) Christ is the propitiation or means of salvation for the whole world, 1 John 2:2
If you would show me where these terms appear in the Bible, that would be very helpful. Christ is not the 'means' of anything. He is the Saviour. I quoted Titus 3:4-6 earlier. It clearly shows the 'means' God uses to save sinners. Perhaps you would like to deal with that.Means of appeasing = means of obtaining mercy = means of salvation.
Here we go again.Notice John says Christ is the Propitiation that is satisfaction for our sin. Not for ours only but for the whole world.
Then Paul states God is not imputing the trespass of the world, but reconciling the world unto Himself.
Therefore what sends a person to the Lake of Fire?
The Propitiation of appeasement of God for all mankind has occurred by the blood of Christ. Their trespasses are not imputed that is counted against them so what causes them to end up in the Lake of Fire?
Jesus said it is unbelief.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ chapter 20 again
Those not written in the book of life. We see this book in two other places in Revelation.
Then those who will be in the New Jerusalem are seen in
So how does one have their name entered into the Lamb's book of Life?
By Faith in the savior which is accepting His Propitiatory payment for them, to reject is to be separated from God forever that is the Second Death.
Everyone God places in Christ is saved, propitiated, justified, made righteous, and everyone who enters Christ will never be cast out.
You had said "God prevents those of his choosing from coming to the Lord by hardening their hearts."Mr. Rippon, Romans 11 teaches how God hardened hearts to prevent those hardened from accepting Christ.
The mere repetition of a fallacy does not change the facty that it is indeed a fallacy.Christ is the propitiation or means of salvation for the whole world.
Christ is not the 'means of salvation'....
Again, you had said in post 82:"God prevents those of his choosing from coming to the Lord by hardening their hearts."No one said or implied that God ever hardens the hearts of His elect, thus the statement is simply yet another mischaracterization for the purpose of misdirection.
Amen! Christ is the Saviour! To degrade Him from that position to a mere instrumentation is a serious error.Van said:
2 Peter 2:1b: '....even denying the Lord [Gk. despotes]who bought them.' The word 'Christ,' not to mention any reference to blood is missing. As I pointed out, the natural referent of despotes is the Father. Check out the texts I quoted.Hi Martin,
1) You say their [sic] is no reference to Christ in 2 Peter 2:1. I say the "Master" is Christ. Personal incredulity is not rebuttal.
Really?? Matt. 20:28; '......and to give His life as a ransom for MANY.' Mark 10:45 is similar. If 1 Tim. 2:6 means that Christ is the ransom for all men, then all are ransomed and therefore saved, which clearly they are not. Rather, it means all men in the sense of Jew and Greek, slave and free, rich and poor, male and female etc.2) Christ laid down His life as a ransom for all.
In that case you have a 'Christ' who saves people who aren't saved, who ransoms people who aren't ransomed and who is the propitiation for people for whom God is not propitiated. Such a 'Christ' is not worthy of worship. How can such a being be 'King of kings and Lord of lords'? The true Christ says, 'And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing but raise it up at the last day.'3) If a person who will never be saved is bought, then logical necessity requires all mankind, and not just the elect, were bought.
How then can Paul give thanks for the Thessalonian Christians if many of them are not saved?4) Being chosen from salvation through faith in the truth is a conditional election.
Well, all you have to do to convince me is to show me all those NT texts where Christ is clearly described as the means of salvation. I'm looking forward to it.5) You can deny Christ is the means of salvation for the whole world till the cows come home. Person incredulity is not rebuttal.
I have never, ever, ever claimed that Christ propitiated the whole world, or even part of it. For the umpteenth time, the world does not need to be propitiated. God needs to be propitiated; Christ is the propitiation, and either the Father is propitiated or He isn't. Which is it? Was Christ's act of propitiation acceptable to the Father or not?6) Christ is the propitiation for the whole world just as 1 John 2:2 says. The word translated "propitiation" is a noun, not a verb. Your claim that it is a verb (Christ propitiated the whole world) is mistaken.
John 1:9-10: 'That was the true light which gives light to every man coming into the world [ie. Planet Earth]. He was in the world [ie. Planet Earth], and the world [Planet Earth] was made by Him, the world [people of the earth minus Christians] did not receive Him.' Nowhere in John 1:9-10 does 'world' mean 'all the people in the world.' Now who's being naughty?7) The word translated world in 1 John 2:2 refers to fallen mankind, not planet earth. Ditto for John 1:9, where Jesus enlightens every man. In John 1:10 the world did not know Jesus, thus again requiring mankind rather than the earth. John 3:19 indicates Jesus was sent into the world to save the world. Since the planet will be destroyed and replaced with a new earth, mankind is once again in view. Again, John 6:14 refers to mankind witnessing Christ's miracles as a purpose for Christ coming into the world of fallen mankind. The effort to deny how John used the Greek world translated "world" is naughty indeed.
This has been refuted time and time again. Constant denial of fact is not firmness but foolishness.8) Christ is the propitiation, the means of salvation, the lifeboat, everyone placed in Christ is saved, everyone not placed in Christ remains unsaved.
Sequence matters.
God gives to Christ those of His choosing. Thus chosen before given.
God chooses folks for salvation through faith in the truth. Thus our election is conditional.
Limited Atonement, two very different definitions. Calvinism says Christ died only for the elect. Everybody else says Christ tasted death for everyone, but only those God places in Christ are reconciled.
Agreed my one point Calvinism, OSAS, is plainly taught in scripture.
Matthew 13 teaches that the first soil suffers from total spiritual inability, but the other three have some limited spiritual ability. Romans 11 teaches where God takes away the limited spiritual ability of some unbelieving Jews to facilitate the spread of the gospel to the Gentiles. But in both cases, their spiritual ability was lost either by the practice of sin or the intervention of God for His purpose.
The Five Articles of the Remonstrants
Dennis Bratcher, ed.
In the latter 16th century James (Jacobus) Arminius, a Dutch Reformed theologian, challenged John Calvin and Theodore Beza’s formulation of the classic Reformed doctrine of predestination. While Arminius did not depart far from the Reformed position, he gave a larger place to the faith of the believer and came to a position of conditional predestination rather than the absolute predestination of Calvin and the double predestination of Beza.
After Arminius’ death (1609), his supporters under the leadership of Simon Episcopius came to be called the Remonstrants ("remonstrant"- to oppose) after issuing the Remonstrantiœ in 1610, a document containing five points summarizing their divergence from certain aspects of accepted Dutch Reformed theology. In these five articles they advocated conditional rather than absolute predestination, universal rather than limited atonement, the necessity of regeneration and transformation through the Holy Spirit, and the possibility of both resistance to and rejection of God’s grace.
The five articles of the Remonstrants became the focus of the Synod of Dordtrecht in the Netherlands, and occasioned The Canons of Dordt, a document of the Dutch Reformed Church that rejected the teachings of Arminius and the Remonstrants and essentially declared their position to be heretical.
Even though Arminius and the Remonstrants were condemned, the controversy did not end and had a liberalizing effect on theology in Europe and England, as well as the American colonies. By the mid 1700s the basic positions of Arminius were refined and expanded in England under the movement begun by John and Charles Wesley. In both England and the newly formed United States, Methodism and an array of churches followed what became known as Arminian-Wesleyan theology. Today, the five points of the Remonstrants still articulate the essential differences between Calvinistic/Reformed traditions and Arminian Wesleyan traditions.
The so-called 5 points of Calvinism {At least in my opinion.} are not really intended to fully define the Doctrines of Sovereign Election and Grace. Rather they are a response to the 5 Remonstrances of the followers of Arminius published after the death of both Calvin and Arminius.
I have one question/comment. You say that through HIS death on the Cross Jesus Christ paid the sin debt for every person. Why then are some saved and others not?
Because they have free choice that is volition the ability to accept the payment or reject it. That is to receive or reject Christ Jesus