The editorial and letter were quite general as well as being entirely off-base and in denial, which does make them sound like they are not in their right minds. However, the interviews are another matter, that is, they take it to another level entirely.
Maye he did not mean to unmask himself so obviously, but in a
Face the Nation interview, Galli even gets a little giddy as he emphasizes support for the LGBTQ+ agenda and thus opposes the president as being in the way of that. I quoted him in another thread, but am making an adjustment to the transcription here:
"We want the United States, everybody—left, right, black, white,
of every__ a variety of sexualities—we want them to prosper, and I'm saying that, given the moral character, the public moral character of our president, that's not going to happen, it's likely to degenerate radically over the next__ and it has already degenerated, and it's time for us to put a stake in the ground and say, 'No more.'" [4:29]
Face the Nation: Christianity Today Editor Mark Galli