So you believe it was a different Jesus before the Incarnation, since He had no physical body then?
IOW if "same Jesus" means that the Jesus who returns has to be physical then the Jesus pre-Incarnation, by the same token has to be physical too. Or did His being pure spirit pre-incarnation make Him a different Jesus.
Your overloading "this same Jesus" with imagined proof of physicality works both ways, pre and post incarnation.
Brother, it is important what terms we use when we talk. For example, Jesus did not exist prior to the incarnation as Jesus refers to the man born of a virgin. God became flesh but flesh did not become God. Prior to the incarnation, God the Son existed as the eternal Word and Jehovah our Savior (Jesus in sense of meaning not in sense of incarnation).
So, in Acts 1 it is "Jesus" the man within whom God the Son dwelt that was taken up but God the Son already existed in heaven before "Jesus" the human being ascended because God is ominipresent. For example, Jesus standing before Nicodemus on earth claimed that he at the same point in time as the Son of God was in heaven (Jn. 3:11).
So, we need to distinguish Jesus as the man born of a virgin Mary form the Eternal Word, the Second Person of the Godhead who is omnipresent, immutable and eternal. Take a second and consider the words "omnipresent", "immutable" and "eternal." Hence, when becoming man, meaning indweling the human body of Jesus of nazerath in the womb of Mary the eternal Word remained "immutable" and"eternal" as well as "omnipresent" the human nature of Jesus did not and never will become omnipresent.
The mystery is that God who is immutable can co-exist in one person Jesus along with human nature without mixture but also without division of Person.