This is an exercise in futility because you are looking for the wrong kinds of evidence. You are repeating the same error that the 1st century Jews did.
Sorry, Sir, but the error is YOURS, and it comes from reducing "inconvenient" Scriptures to "symbolism/apocalyptic language".
Now, in the Olivet Discourse, did Jesus not predict war/rumor of war, persecution of Christians with decapitations, Jerusalem's being trod underfoot by gentiles til the gentiles' time was up, the coming of false messiahs & "prophets", that many would be "offended", with betrayals common, among other things?(As well as the destruction of Jerusalem & the temple.) And did/are these things occurring, or have already occurred LITERALLY, TO THE LETTER of Jesus' prophecy?
Having seen that the Olivet Discourse, as well as related prophecies from Daniel, Revelation, etc. have come to pass LITERALLY so far, there's simply NO valid reason to deny that the rest will come to pass JUST-AS-LITERALLY. There's NO "secret return" of Jesus prophesied in Scripture.
Daniel first mentioned the AOD & told us what it'll be - the antichrist/beast will set up his statue in the temple in Jerusalem, accompanied by his sidekick, the false prophet, and from there, the AC will declare himself to be God. THAT'LL BE THE AOD! The closest thing to it in the old temple was Antiochus Epiphanes' setting up of a statue of Jupiter in the temple, and his sacrificing a pig upon the altar, in 168-167BC, along with much destruction in Jerusalem. Some people believed this was the AOD, but JESUS said "when you see it", showing it was still future. And NOTHING of that sort occurred in the old temple after that.
And we know the Jews have the plans, materials, and even the animals ready to build another temple in short notice. That temple will be where the AOD will occur.
What about the mark of the beast? Nothing of the sort has ever occurred before, aside from ink stamps, etc. which could be easily duped or erased at will. Now, the tech exists for a permanent "mark" in the form of an embedded microchip.
You keep saying I wouldn't believe the "evidence" for preterism anyway, and so far, you're right there. Why? Because THERE HASN'T BEEN ANY BELIEVABLE EVIDENCE PRESENTED ! ! Josephus saw chariots in the sky? Funny, the entire population of Jerusalem missed seeing them, as did the entire Roman army in the area! And we're supposed to take Josephus' lone word on that, when SEVERAL HUNDRED THOUSAND other people missed it??????????????????????????????????????
Sorry, Sir, you simply don't have one quark of credible **PROOF/EVIDENCE/DOCUMENTATION** to sustain any of preterism's assertions, full or partial. Preterism is just another false man-made "ism" satan has made to try to dilute Christianity.
Plainly, Jesus' return will be PHYSICAL & FULLY VISIBLE TO EVERYONE, even souls in hades! Now, what type of body He will have, I don't know, but it will be a body, and everyone will know who it is!