I believe God. I don't believe in false religion that conditions salvation in any amount whatsover on man.
Of course, it's not a smorgasbord. Scripture is to be taken as a whole.
I have done no such thing. Repentance, as well as faith, are gifts of God.
I also believe faith is a gift from God. But like I said, I believe everything is predestined.
The difference is I also believe that if anyone answers Christ will come in....if they don't He won't. If anyone repents God is faithful to forgive....if they don't He won't forgive.
Have you ever considered that you may be holding a philosophy that contradicts biblical thought? If not, you may want to consider it.
The reason is you deny or explain away far too many passages. You argue against others who believe the passages you deny or explain away because they deny or explain away the passages you accept.
But what if Scripture (all of Scripture) is true?
The passages you reject or explain away are not really contradictions to the passages you affirm. You only believe them to be because you reduce God to an all powerful man.
You'd do well to take Surgeon's advice about not saying "nay" to certain passages.