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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Diane, good to hear things went well!!!!

    Do you remember the time frame between Starting to see the 'ferris wheels' and being told you had a cataract? I've noticed recently that the traffic signals, especially at a distance, have a real pretty(?) 'star' around them . .
  2. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    That's it, Gayla! I don't 'get out' much so hadn't been out at night for a while. When I noticed it, I went to the eye guy at Wal-Mart. Within a year I was blind in that eye.

    Two years ago, my vision was 20/400 in that eye WITH glasses!
  3. PamelaK

    PamelaK New Member

    Feb 6, 2005
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    I'm so thankful it's over for you Diane and that things went well. Praise the Lord!
  4. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Glad all went well Diane and I know you're glad it's over!

    I was just diagnosed with cataracts in both eyes, but I don't noticed any difference in my vision at all...
  5. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Glad things went well with you, Diane. I'm sure you are glad it is over.

    We just returned from the doctors and praise the Lord, no cancer and no cataracts.

    My eyes are still dilated so I'm having trouble seeing the words on the screen.
  6. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Tomorrow is the recheck on my eye and another 3-4 hour round trip. We're going to bed early tonight. There's a kids movie on Nick wants to watch and I've seen it before.

    My left eye is still black from being dialated. It's very disconcerting to read or be in a bright light. The 'lens' is flickering in my eye. I'll be glad when it stabilizes! I'm going to get into my pajamas and put my eye patch on.

    Night all.
  7. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Night, Diane...sleep well. Glad things went well for you.

    We had some help fixing our riding mower today from the man who sold us the house. He's been over pretty regular lately asking for a cup of coffee and just talking. We've talked about the Lord a lot, and he's softening up some. After he got done with that he went and got his backhoe and started to tear up some ground for our garden...enough to get us started. He said he'd bring the tiller over sometime this next week. I truly think he's lonely and just needs some friends. We try to look out for him when we can. His neice goes to our church and she's not really the best example of Christianity to him. I'm hoping that we can continue to be a good influence on him and he'll get saved if he's not, or get right with the Lord.

    We got a lot of the lawn mowed after he fixed the mower. He had already mowed part of our lawn just because he wanted to have something to do. Got a little more to do tomorrow, and then some prepping of the ground for planting. Viv's already got a couple of small green tomato's on the vine, and the things aren't even in the ground yet! Hope that means a "bumper crop"!

    Have a great night, all!

  8. Debby in Philly

    Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Glad to hear you got throught it, Diane. Sorry about not getting a nice chair. I guess they don't do things the same everywhere. I agree about the meds to relax you. What they gave me for the MRI I don't think did anything! I credit the Good Lord and the prescription nasal spray for my success with it.
  9. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I got a really good deal on a 12-foot trampoline for Brent. It has only been used one summer and is in like-new condition. I got it for $50.00!

    Grandpa and the boys put it together tonight. They had a ball on it (the two boys - not Grandpa).

    I am signing off for tonight. Noah (another grandson) is spending the night with Brent and they have just had their showers, so I am going to spend some time with them before they go to bed.

    Pleasant dreams all!
  10. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    :eek: I don't need that kind of aggravation!!

    Got concerning results from my latest tumor-marker yesterday. It's been being 'below 15", and this time had gone up to 21. The Dr said it's not totally unusual for it to bounce a little bit, but he's gonna check again in 6 weeks instead of 3 months.
  11. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Sorry to hear that, Gayla.

    Hope you're feeling better today, Diane.

    Good reports, Ed and Thankful!

    Good morning all:

    It is a nice 52º and sunny here this morning. We're expecting a high of 80º. Woo hoo!

    I've got to get Noah and Brent up and feed them breakfast. Then deliver Noah to school, then Brent and I will do the crossing, then come home and home school.

    I need to get some housework done today, plus plant some Phlox that I bought yesterday.

    I also need to replenish the cedar chips around my Hostas in front of the house, so that means a trip to Wally World.

    Tonight is movie night, so we will have to stop by the video store.

    I imagine Brent will be jumping on his new trampoline most of the afternoon and early evening...

  12. chipsgirl

    chipsgirl New Member

    Dec 8, 2004
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    I love Phlox Sue. It's so pretty.
  13. WallyGator

    WallyGator New Member

    Apr 21, 2003
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    Red Phlox is the first wildflower to bloom around my area each spring. It covers the whole countryside, especially our old family cenetary.
  14. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I love phlox. Even when it stops blooming, you have a lush blanket of green foilage.

    I have light lavendar phlox in a small flower garden out back with a tall, black, steel pole in the center holding 2 birdhouses and 2 birdfeeders hanging on the sides and a Purple Martin birdhouse, on a platform, right at the top.

    I also have a small round circle of bordered rock around the pole with small figurines in it so I can reach the birdfeeders without stepping on the phlox.

    I love sitting in the back yard watching the birds.
  15. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Hey Ya'll!

    It's been a busy two day and this one isn't over yet. I spent yesterday morning building new cages for the guinea pigs and still didn't get finished. When school was out, Son had a dentist appointment and Bitsy had gynmastic. Then today was Bisty's end of the year field trip. I'm exhausted from that but T is threatening disownment if I don't finish those cages and clean up a little. Can't walk through the part of the house where I'm building. Once I'm finished though the cages will be much easier to clean and will move easily. The piggies can't live in the living room forever! They have their own space upstairs to move back to eventually.(Today's not the day to think about everything I have to do to accomplish that!)

    Diane, I'm glad to hear your eye surgery went well. [​IMG]

    Sue, I wish I had you at my house. I'm NOT a gardener (my thumb is black) but I find myself with hostas, irises and hydrangeas that need moving. I have a place for the hydrangeas and the hostas but don't know what to do about the irises. They are in a place where it is too dry and hard and don't bloom well. The few blooms I do get are beautiful so they are worth saving, I just don't know where the best place to put them would be.
  16. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    HI Everyone, just checking in. Nick and I made the round trip back to Rome for the eye doctor without any real problem. The fog heading over one area of higher elevation was so bad you couldn't see more than 20 or so feet in front of you but there was no real traffic. The doctor visit itself lasted maybe 15 mins. They answered all my questions and gave me some steriod drops to use for 5 weeks along with my antibiotic drops that I have to use for one week.

    The nurse practicioner also explained the condition that possibly could preclude retinal tearing. It's NOT the more serious condition I had found online but a more common condition found in many people by the age of 20. It's called Lattice Degeneration and mine is not severe and in only one eye.

    I'm achy this afternoon and really tired. I'm pretty sure it's from the tenseness from yesterday and all the sitting in the car. I have to go back for a recheck on May 19th so need to figure out THAT with all my daycare responsibilities! EEK!

    My eye hasn't hurt at all other than some 'strained' feeling this afternoon. I had stepped out on our deck to get a flower pot and the bright sun made me squeeze that eye shut quickly. I had only a second of discomfort and then a slight ache for a little while. I've taken some Ibuprofen and am going to bed early again tonight. I kept wanting to roll over last night and Jim kept checking me and making me lay on my back. Tonight I can sleep any which way but the doctor did say to wear the eye patch for another few nights.

    My eyesight is wonderful but the bad news is that I look older than I thought I did! I had forgotten how blue my eyes are or how green Nick's eyes are. I also see a lot of dust I didn't see before. My favorite lipstick is no longer my favorite. It's too orange!! LOLOL

    [ May 06, 2005, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: dianetavegia ]
  17. chipsgirl

    chipsgirl New Member

    Dec 8, 2004
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    Oh no Diane! I know it shouldn't be funny but it kind of is! Remember the story I told about my BF's aunt who said her cataract surgery gave her hairy legs and wrinkles?? Hehehe..... [​IMG]

    Well, I'm off to the beach this weeked. You all take care next week and behave yourselves. I'm sure I'll have plenty of catching up to do when I get back. [​IMG]

    Take care of that eyeball Diane! :eek:
  18. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Have a wonderful time, Allie, and wear sunscreen! It's to be quite sunny and you don't need to get burned up!
  19. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Diane, I remember when I only wore reading glasses. I thought my house was clean. Then I got my first pair of bifocals.

    Oh my! There were dirty fingerprints everyplace and the baseboards were filthy!

    I got a nice Mother's Day present from hubby today that I have wanted for a long time. It is a three-seat steel swing and frame with padded seats and an awning. I LOVE it!

    Brent and I worked outside all day today planting hostas and pouring new rock (10 bags) around in the flower garden.

    Hubby laid paving tiles that look like brick tonight to set the swing on and put the swing together. My front lawn is finally starting to look like someone lives here!

    We ordered pizza for supper - we were almost too tired to eat. We've had our showers and are heading for bed. I think Brent and I are going to be stiff tomorrow...

    Pleasant dreams all!
  20. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Glad to hear about the swing, Sue!

    Diane...you're just really having a time of it, aren't you? You're in our prayers. Viv & I have to go for our eye exams (first for her in five years, first for me in three and diabetes related) and get new glasses. I didn't do it the last time, and neither did she exept for the ones Dell paid for for work.

    Viv and I were out in our yard working where Mr. G had broken up the soil a bit with his backhoe for us when our neighbor yelled across the way "Hey neighbor!" He walked over and we had a short talk (this is the one who jumped me about the dog getting into his yard). He said his tiller was coming back on Monday evening and I could use it if I wanted, no charge....and we even got to talk a bit about the Lord. He's been opening so many more doors for us to witness out here, and I am seeing more and more our reason for being here. It's great to be in the place where the Lord puts us!

    Well, Ya'll have a wonderful night. I need to try and write some and edit some on a manuscript. Talk with you in the morning, Lord willing.
