"There are 20 God hating people in a house who have pillaged, raped, plundered and killed and then they have set the house on fire. God graciously will send prophets and ministers to call all of them to repentance but they would rather burn up with the house than repent. Hence, God determines to allow 15 to freely follow the dictates of their own depraved will thereby glorifying his justice but unwilling that all perish he determinately chooses to save 5 purely by grace and at the cost of His own son entering into the burning house and dying so they could be saved. In these five he graciously gives them a new heart that is inherently disposed to righteousness and thereby freely choose to repent and believe the gospel and he works in them both to will and to do of His glory
And then after that "arbitrary selection of 5" he says "
God is not partial" Romans 2:11 and claims "
God is not WILLING that ANY should perish but that ALL should come to repentance" 2 Peter 3. And even worse instead of admitting "God so loved the FIVE that He gave..." God claims "God so loved the WORLD that HE gave"... and even worse instead of admitting "God paid for all the sins of the FIVE... just the FIVE"... God said He was the "
atoning sacrifice for OUR sins and NOT for our sins only but also for the sins of the WHOLE WORLD" 1 John 2:2. Thus Calvinism's model so very FAR from depicting God who is true to His own Word.
Now to be fair to Calvinism's premise -- we all admit "God IS sovereign" and He COULD have chose to say that He "arbitrary selects the FEW" of Matthew 7, that He IS WILLING that the MANY of Matt 7 perish just not the FEW, and that He "So loved the FEW of Matt ion of 7" (the 5) that GAVE His Son... but He did not say any of that. So then Calvinism is stuck with a text that refutes their own story.
In that "future scenario" when the Calvinist parent looking over the ramparts of heaven - seeing their precious daughter screaming in the fires of hell -- runs to God and says "Oh Father couldn't you have done SOMETHING to save my precious daughter" -- the much anticipated Calvinist answer is given "why certainly My child I COULD have -- IF I had CARED to".
by contrast -- in real life - God says this "
WHAT MORE could I have DONE that I have not already DONE?" Isaiah 5:4... And the Bible says "
HE came to HIS OWN and HIS OWN received Him not" John 1:11
Ezek 33:11 "11 Say to them, ‘As I live!’ declares the Lord God, ‘
I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn back, turn back from your evil ways!
Why then will you die, O house of Israel?’"
You say "God graciously will send prophets and ministers to call all of them to repentance but they would rather burn up with the house than repent." -- but you tell the story like this "a man goes to the top of the Empire statement building -- and has compassion on all the loose dogs wandering around on the street so he holds out a dog biscuit over the edge of the building and shouts -- "here doggy doggy jump up and get your biscuit"... but then in the case of a FEW dogs -- the man goes down and actually hands them the biscuit.
By contrast the Bible actually says "
I will DRAW ALL mankind unto Me" John 12:32 and it is the drawing of God in John 6 -- that even Calvinists will admit "ENABLES" all the choice that depravity disables.