Wow. That explains a lot.
1. Total depravity. What part of man, his body, soul, or spirit, do you believe escaped the effects of the fall and remained holy and pure enabling the person to come to Christ on his own merits rather than on the sacrifice of Christ? The Bible says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. It says there is none righteous, no not one. and the Bible says in several places that we are "dead" in trespasses and sins. But, the Bible also says that the "dead" shall hear the voice of the Son of God and them that "hear" shall live. That last "hear" means to "give ear". On that day, when I was dead in my sins, I heard that same powerful thundering Voice of Psalm 29, the same one which cried "LAZARUS COME FORTH" and I obeyed that voice.
2. Unconditional election. What condition of perfection do you think a person can achieve that gives him the right to come to God apart from the sacrifice of Christ? None of us has "the right" to come to God. But God in his boundless mercy and grace gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
3. Limited atonement. If the atonement is not limited to believers only, do you accept universalism and believe everyone, even the devil and his demons, will ultimately be saved? "Universalism says that God will save everyone, regardless. That is false doctrine. God has no limits except that He cannot sin. Neither is His atonement "limited".
4. Irresistible Grace. (Terrible word choice that only causes confusion.) Better called "Efficacious Grace." What part of God's grace do you think is so weak and defective that it will fail to achieve what God intended it to achieve? Nothing about God is "weak". God chose to freely give us the choice to accept Him or reject him. He could easily make everyone "choose" Him like robots but that is not His plan
5. Perseverance of the saints. (Better called "preservation of the saints.) A person is saved by grace, and kept by grace. So, what, in your opinion, will result of the genuinely saved person losing his salvation? If "Perseverance of the saints" means that the saints will automatically always walk after the Spirit, not conform to the world, and live completely holy lives until the end, then it is not Biblical. Again, we still have been allowed free will even in salvation. However, we who are saved will be chastised and judged in this life and in the next as to how we live in this world. God "scourgeth and chasteneth every son that He receiveth" the Bible says. God doesn't MAKE us live right, but He will make us wish we had.