I have seen it argued in other places that Jesus died for all including Judas. To support this theory they have used the scenes of the Last Supper.
Typically they point to Luke 22:19-20 and point out that Jesus says, “This is my body which is broken for you” (emphasis mine). They point out the same for the cup. The argument goes that since Judas was still in the room Jesus included him in the atonement. But this is a gross mishandling of Scripture and taking things way out of context.
First, it ignores other passages on the Last Supper. In Matthew and Mark’s account, it says his blood is poured out for many, not all.
Second, if we look in John’s Gospel, Jesus clearly states that “you” does not include all twelve disciples. In John 13:18 while Jesus is washing His disciple’s feet, he states, “I am not speaking of all of you, I know whom I have chosen.”
In the verses preceding verse 18, Jesus is speaking using the same term “You” that he uses in Luke 22. But he clarifies that he is speaking to a certain subset of the people in the room and not everyone.
We must look at all of Scripture without our presuppositions to come to the truth. Jesus did not die for all and Scripture does not claim that he does. In fact, Jesus stated he only died for the sheep.