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Calvinists believe this too you know...I believe Jesus WOULD have forgiven Judas had Judas earnestly repented
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Calvinists believe this too you know...I believe Jesus WOULD have forgiven Judas had Judas earnestly repented
Judas was a normal lost sinner, who fulfilled the prophecies of God concerning one who would betray Christ!In studying what Jesus told us about the Last Days ... "Like the days of Noah" ... I've come to understand that this includes the nephilim.
Is it possible Judas could have been one of these?
I mean, how do you have such a close personal relationship with Jesus Christ and be unable to respond to the Spirit ... unless you have no spirit.
7 of the 8 people boarding the Ark were 100% human. Ham's wife wasn't. They beget Canaan; father of the 7 tribes The Son later smites ahead of the Joshua led Hebrews.
I'm not stating as fact ... but reconciling the free will vice predestination in this context brings me to this possibility.
thread creep ... but since I've learned about Daniel's prophesy of Messiah's being cut-off ... it's amazed me the Pharisees & Sadducees both failed to recognize Messiah was standing in front of them as they knew THAT was the year Messiah was to be "cut-off" per Daniel 9. (or whatever is the Torah designation)
Judas was a normal lost sinner, who fulfilled the prophecies of God concerning one who would betray Christ!
he illusrates to us the harmony of the will of God and our desires being done, as it was the will of God to fulfill the OT prophecy Judas fulfilled, but he was willing and desired to do that evil deed also!yessir, I recognize he was prophesied to betray in John ... perhaps Ps 41? That doesn't make him "perfect in his generation." (Gen 6)
Again, I'm not suggesting emphatically this is true that Judas was a nephilim ...
Yes, he was.Dave I only have one question for you, was Judas a sinner? Yes or No.
Have you read John 13?
First, you imagine it is clear and no doubt you think your idea is correct. Others show you that Jesus did not atone for Judas sin and you get all bent out of shape.
You cannot acknowledge that atonement means fully paid for. If Jesus fully paid for Judas sins then Judas was made perfect and holy by the blood of Christ. God would be casting a person, whose sins are fully paid for, into hell.
Do you teach that fully atoned persons are spending eternity in hell, even though God sees no sin due to the atoning sacrifice of Christ?
Even in the Old Testament we see God determining who he would forgive.
There is no evidence that God forgave Judas. Thus, Judas sin was never atoned for.
With David, God reveals sin, David repents, God forgives.
2 Samuel 12:7,13 Nathan said to David, “You are the man! Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you out of the hand of Saul. David said to Nathan,
“I have sinned against the Lord.” And Nathan said to David, “The Lord also has put away your sin; you shall not die.
With Judas we do not see Judas repenting. We see him hating his own life for his betrayal. He never repents.
Remember that God is the cause of reconciliation and repentance is the effect. We see that in David. We don't see that in Judas.
Acts 1:17-19 For he was numbered among us and was allotted his share in this ministry.” (Now this man acquired a field with the reward of his wickedness, and falling headlong he burst open in the middle and all his bowels gushed out. And it became known to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the field was called in their own language Akeldama, that is, Field of Blood.)
Judas died hopeless. David suffered the effects of his sin, but died with hope later in life.
Again, I ask, did the partaking in the Seder meal save Judas?
Did I say Luke was wrong? No, that is a strawman this is your thread, and you keep on referring to John 13, as IF this chapter somehow supports you against Luke 22, it is up to YOU to show from John 13, that Luke is wrong!
And what exactly is that difference?Dude, I have NEVER said that Jesus Christ has ATONED for Judas! What I have said many times, that Jesus DIED for the sins of Judas, and every human ever to live. There is a HUGE difference, which you should know about!!!![]()
Please show that from Scripture. Christ said he only laid down his life for the sheep.The atonement is meant for all and thus salvation is available to all.
And what exactly is that difference?
Yes, he was.
And yes, Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners...and Him saving sinners is defined even further by His words in many places.
To me, it's as if you've not read, nor believed John 6, Romans 8, Romans 9, Romans 10, Romans 11, Ephesians 1, Ephesians 2, 2 Thessalonians 2, the Psalms or much of the rest that describe the how and the why that people come to Christ in belief...
Because it is given to them to do so ( Philippians 1:29 ), not because they actively did something to get Him to save them.
Again, Silverhair, you and I read and understand the Bible very differently, and after 43+ years of being a believer, one thing I can tell you for sure is...
God does not love everyone equally;
Not even close.
Jesus did not know Judas as one of His sheep, and Judas was used by God to fulfill the "harsh" as that may seem to many who read this.
God did not love him, or He would not have set things up the way He did.
That is what the Scriptures say, not simply what I am saying.
Salvation is not predicated on what we do...
It's predicated on what God does with rebellious and unrepentant sinners whose hearts He either changes, or does not.
Finally, for Judas to have repented, it would have had to been granted to him by the Lord through the new birth.
Being the son of perdition, he was not given that privilege by God.
That said, I've really no more to say to you on this subject...
but I do hope that you one day come to see that eternal life is a gift ( Romans 6:23 ) that is given because of the Lord's deciding to have favor on someone, and not because He "offered" it to us.
Please show that from Scripture. Christ said he only laid down his life for the sheep.
You are the one making a claim here, don't put it back on mean as a REFORMED person, you don't know?
You are the one making a claim here, don't put it back on me.
So you are saying Jesus did NOT say he laid his life down for the sheep?what is the point? you have closed your eyes and mind to what the Bible actually says, so that you can keep on believing your "theology"!
I asked you already, yet you keep dodging.I made a statement, you commented on it. just say if you don't know, and I will gladly tell you![]()
So you are saying Jesus did NOT say he laid his life down for the sheep?