Well-Known Member
Neither monergism nor synergism are the actual gospel. It is simply a game of semantics that express to whom and how the gospel is applied. I certainly do not claim a label when it comes to the gospel. The only label I care to have is that of an old sinner saved by grace. Labels destroy the simplicity of the gospel.
Jesus said that even little children can understand (Mark 10:15, Luke 18:17). I choose to believe that it is easier for a child to believe that Jesus loved everyone of them instead of choosing to believe that it is easier for a child to believe that He chose some of them to live with Him for eternity and chose others to go to a Christ-less eternity.
Amen --
I choose to believe that when God said "God so loved the WORLD and not just the FEW of Matthew 7" John 3:16 that He meant it.
I choose to believe that when God said "He is not willing for ANY to perish but for all to come to repentance" 2 Peter 3 -- He meant it.
I choose to believe that When God said "he came to His OWN and His OWN received Him not" John 1:11 -- He meant it.
I choose to believe that when God said "Jerusalem Jerusalem who kills the prophets.. how I WANTED to spare your children.. but you would not" Matt 23 He meant it.
I choose to believe that when God says "we BEG you on behalf of Christ be reconciled to God" 2 Cor 5 - He means it.
I choose to believe that when God says "God is NOT partial" Rom 2:11 - He meant it