Well-Known Member
HankD said: ↑
1 Corinthians is the scriptural definition of the gospel.
"another" gospel is illustrated in Acts Chapter 15 which is largely synonymous with "another gospel" of the Galatians epistle.
"Do this, Don't do that"...", etc, etc, etc...
1 Cor 15 does not say anything at all to oppose the "don't do that" message of 1Cor 5 ... and 1 Cor 6... etc.
Bottom line - it is wrong even for Christians "to take God's name in vain" and admitting that Bible fact has nothing to do with rejecting the gospel listed in 1 Cor 15.
Can you clarify this Bob?
Lot's of "Don't do that" in the NT examples I just gave..
"the saints keep the Commandments of God AND their faith in Jesus" Rev 14:12
"what matters is keeping the Commandments of God" 1 Cor 7:19
Because under the Gospel's New Covenant "The Law of God written on heart and mind" Jer 31:31-33