As it turns out - 1 Cor 6 "does exist"
... so also does Eph 6:2 and James 2 "exist"
My deepest thanks to the late Dr. John Walvoord, Pesident Emeritus of Dallas Theological Seminary for his works. I must also pay a debt of profound gratitude to Dr. Charles E. Stanley of First Baptist Church of Atlanta for his book,
Eternal Security. And I would be terribly remiss if I did not recognize our own Dr. Thomas Cassidy for the wisdom, knowledge, and especially the inspiration, he provided me in my studies. If it hadn’t been for the faithful posters on this Board, I would have learned nothing.
Thanks to a wise and knowledgeable BrianT, we have this outstanding thread, “Do Calvinists
Distort the Gospel?” A study on Monergism and Synergism: which is the actual Gospel?
What I have said here confirms the validity of the fifth point of T.L.E.P. “The Preservation of the Saints.” (Tom corrects those who think it should be “I” for Irresistible Grace, replacing it with “E,” for efficacious grace.)
First, let me say Bob, you are hopelessly confused by Law and grace. Also, you cannot “will”
to be saved.
1 Cor 6 "does exist.”
The wicked will
not inherit the kingdom of God
; neither will people, “Christians,” who only profess faith, but do not have changed lives.
were wicked until they were cleansed
by the Holy Spirit, sanctified, and justified.
God changed them, they did not change themselves.
True Christians are
changed by God. By His power,
they will never change back.
They will always be sanctified and justified.
"Who ever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin,
because he is born of God" (1 John 3:9, KJV).
Sin always starts in the heart. In our inmost being. We are drawn out by our own desires. We are tempted by them and choose to give in to them. By confessing and repenting we are restored to our state of positional holiness. It is as if we had never sinned.
When a man responds to the wooings of God the Holy Spirit, He comes in him. He remains in him. The Holy Spirit is sinless. He cannot be in the company of sin. The spirit of the man is sinless. He does not commit sin. He is born of God.
Because the inner part of man does not sin he has eternal security. But he can still sin outwardly. He can be as sinful as unbelievers and continue in repeated sin. He can lose his faith and still be saved. “If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: for he cannot deny himself” (2 Tim 2:13).
God loves this man infinitely and the man, completely conformed to the image of Christ, loves Him immeasurably. He sacrificed the life of His only Son, in one space of time, a sacrifice for all of the sins of his people (the Elect), past, present, and future.
This man and God will abide in His love for eternity.