That would depend on what EVERYONE was predestined for, since Pre-Destined really just means that everyone has a destiny before they were born (the term does not actually address whether or not one can change one's destiny, although most theologies and philosophies do). A baby born to an abusive alcoholic has been born with a certain destiny to events far beyond the power of the child to control, so some "predestination" clearly does exist. Life tells us that.
I agree with you about the fatalistic extreme popularly known as "Hyper-Calvinism" where God has created those that He will save to be saved and God has created those damned to be damned and God operates with equal "sovereignty" to bring about both results for His glory. I can understand the logical conclusion of many Calvinist (Reformed) arguments based on specific texts clearly pointing to this, but the "fatalistic conclusion" is denied by Scripture, so the "logical conclusion" cannot be correct when it goes where Scripture says is false. So I completely agree with you that "predestination" cannot mean "no matter what, it doesn't matter".
Yet how many people start out with the ASSUMPTION that people are basically good and SHOULD all be going to Heaven (or at least have an equal chance to get to Heaven).
- Where does the Bible ever even HINT that people are basically good?
- Why on earth should ANYONE go to heaven? (Just look at Abram, the father of faith or David a man after God's heart and tell me they merit eternity in the presence of God on the basis of a life of obedient service to God. Let's use the Muslim yardstick and place their sins on one side and a feather on the other ... do their sins weigh less than a feather?)
So WHAT IF ... everyone is predestined to HELL. Not because God is out to get us, but because we are not even going to measure up to "the faith of Abram" or "the heart of David". Everyone will, by our own nature and efforts earn for our self a place apart from God. That sort of changes the "Option Zero: Do nothing" baseline of the discussion.
I believe that God found OPTION ZERO unacceptable to HIM, so God chose to do something about it. God chose to love some ANYWAY ... and His love changed them (us ... me) and it changed EVERYTHING.