The opening statement to chapter 3 of the Westminster Confession of Faith, which is entitled, "Of God's Eternal Decree", we read:
"God from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass"
It then goes on to say, "yet so, as thereby neither is God the author of sin, nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures; nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established."
Now, either God has ordained "whatsoever comes to pass", or He has not.
The Reformed theologian, Dr Wayne Grudem, among others, has this to say:
"In Spite of All of the Foregoing Statements, We Have to Come to the Point Where We Confess That We Do Not Understand How It Is That God Can Ordain That We Carry Out Evil Deeds and Yet Hold Us Accountable for Them and Not be Blamed Himself: We can affirm that all of these things are true, because Scripture teaches them. But Scripture does not tell us exactly how God brings this situation about or how it can be that God holds us accountable for what he ordains to come to pass. Here Scripture is silent, and we have to agree with Berkhof that ultimately “the problem of God’s relation to sin remains a mystery.” (Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology p. 175.”
(Systematic Theology, p.330. 1994, 2000 edition)
On the word "ordain" we are told that it means, "to establish or order by appointment, decree, or law...destine, foreordain" (Websters)
If, as it is claimed by Calvinists/Reformed, that Almighty God "ordains", or "decrees" that us humans "carry out evil deeds", which are sinful, and we do so. Is it morally right, that this same God, Who actually "orders" that we do this, can then hold US accountable for carrying out HIS actions, and punish US??? This teaching is abhorrent, and blashphemous, and goes aganinst the very Holy Nature of the God of the Holy Bible!
So, by the teachings of the Calvinists/Reformed, it is Almighty God, Who "ordains" that we murder, commit adultery, rape, steal, and carry out every form of heinous sins, and though we are doing what God so "orders" that we do, YET, He holds US responsible for these sinful acts, and punishes US for doing what HE has so "ordained"???
This "doctrine" is what the Apostle Paul calls, "doctrines of demons", as its origin is from the pit of hell, and the devil himself!
God does indeed "permit/allow" that we sin, and this is OUR choosing; but can NEVER "ordain" that we do so. There is a huge difference.