What I said is that the Bible contains all that we need to meet the needs of the human heart (soul/spirit).
That isn't what is supported by Scripture statement:
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,”
It does not say “meet the needs of the human heart.” That is adding on to the intent of the Scriptures.
The Bible's message of salvation can be understood and accepted by the unregenerate. The Bible is not a completely closed book to sinners.
That statement is contrary to the presentation of the unregenerate level of ability as shown in places such as 1 Corinthians 2.
I am not contradicting John 16:8. It is not talking about the Holy Spirit being poured out on the whole world. You are adding to that text.
I added nothing to the text.
The TEXT states WORLD, I take the text at value. World means world, and not a select few as a subset of the whole.
Reading comprehension is not one of my current deficiencies, though it is creeping up.
Acts 9 is a historical account, and is not providing us with a doctrine. It is descriptive, not prescriptive. It is not saying that this is a normal everyday experience for the average Christian.
Actually, it validates the experiences many believers have witnessed. You not putting stock in reports does not prove the reports are baseless.
And I find it interesting that while you attempt to correct me about the OP only talking about dreams, that you cite a vision from Acts 9 to respond to me.
It is because you have persistently pressed on in this rabbit trail.
Be that as you will, you have been given abundant information in which to bring a more balanced approach to that which you hold.
Would you like to return to the OP and share how the Holy Spirit was working in a certain dream or even a nightmare?